Chapter 5 : I came on my own

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"She's ready, sir."  

"Good, then, what are we waiting for?"

Red skull and an agent walked off in the distance. After a few minutes of walking, they entered a dimly lighted room. A small girl, dirty and beaten was waiting besides and officer, dread written all over her face.

"You do know, why I summoned you here, right?" Red skull asked her

She did not know what to answer so she decided to stay silent questioning herself if it was the right decision.

"ANSWER ME GIRL!" He screamed at her face while she tried to retain herself from sobbing. "You are noting more than a deception... You know, your friend... 'Bucky' as you call him, will not always be there to help you."

"I'm sorry sir..."

"Shut up!" He bends down at her level. "You are lucky that you are my last sample of Captain America's DNA. My first successful super soldier, I thought that after 12 failures, you would be the right one, but I guess that you have trouble with following the rules."

He turns around to one of his minions. She watches him with fear of what would his next command be.

"Take her to the other room. You know witch one."

"No! No please sir, it was a accident, I won't do it again!" The little girl pleads

Two Hydra officers took her by the arms, dragging her to the room used for the beating while Red Skull walked away, ignoring her cries.

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I wake up with a jolt, my heart beating miles per hour. I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths but nothing would work. I look at the clock hanging on the wall.

Great, 3 AM.

"Might as well get up" I think. I put on my hoodie and some socks and get out of the room I was in. I walk down the stairs and reach the living room which is probably used by the Avengers themselves. I still can't believe that my life as changed this much in a few hours, I...

"Can't sleep?"

I turn around to see Steve, siting down on one of the couches. He looks a bit tired but not as much as a normal person would be at 3 AM. I'm not one to talk, since I'm pretty much in the same situation as him.

"Gosh, you scared me!" I say placing a hand over my chest.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention." He says nicely

"No worries..." We fall into a small silence.

"Do you, uh, want to sit down?" He asks

I hesitate a little bit but I realized that I've got nothing to lose, I agree and sit down next to him.

"What got you up at this time? May I ask."

"Bad dream." I answer "But I'm sure that you don't want me to bother you with that."

"On the contrary, if you want to talk about it, I'm all ears."

"Thanks , I appreciate it..." I wait a bit, contemplating if I should ask my question or not, but I decide to do it anyway. "What about you, what keeps you up? You don't have to answer if you don't want too..."

"Ah, you know. I slept for 70 years, I think I got my fill." He says softly

"Can I ask you a question?"

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