Chapter 18 : Trust

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It was now 3 A.M. and Adeline was still awake, tossing and turning in her bed. She had tried everything: Tea, music, reading a book... But nothing worked. The rain would softly hit the windows of her bedroom, lightning illuminating the place from time to time. Adeline pushed the covers off her body and sat up on the side of her bed, stretching. Just as she was about to get up, she noticed a silhouette on her small balcony. One person could barely fit on that balcony so she had no idea how someone could've managed to stand there, let alone climb up there.

The thought of this being a fragment of her imagination crossed her mind, but she wouldn't take any chances. Picking up the old baseball bat that was lying beside her wardrobe, Adeline walked closer to the doors that opened up to the balcony. Swinging the doors open, she was about to attack the mysterious person when she realized who it was.

"What the hell?"

Mark was standing there, soaking wet. He looked exhausted, big purple bags under his eyes. He wanted to take a step forward but held himself back. He wasn't acting like himself.

"What are you doing on my balcony at three in the morning?" Adeline asked, confused. Mark didn't answer. He started to tear up. "What's wrong?" She continued and Mark searched for words, his mouth opening and closing.

"You're acting weird, I'm calling..."

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Mark cried, Adeline almost couldn't hear him.

"Sorry for what? What are you talking about?" She asked, a bad feeling forming in her gut. She stared at him, waiting for an answer.

"I did it..." He sobbed. "I took her for him! I..."

The dots connected in the girl's mind. Everything made sense now: how he would always disappear, how he let her go so easily. He betrayed her trust. Adeline took a step back, anger and sadness building up in her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes, scrunching her nose in disgust, she looked at the man who once raised her.

"She died because of you." She spat and he tried to defend himself but she wouldn't hear it. "She would still be alive if it weren't for you!" She shouted. She grabbed everything in her reach and threw them in his face while shouting. Tears were now running freely down her face.

"Adeline..." He tried.

"I never want to see you again!" Adeline screamed but he didn't move. "Get out of here." She said even loudly and threw the frame that was on the table besides her bed. It was the picture with Jenna, Mark and her. The man left by the place he came from and Adeline's cries grew bigger and she let out a yell. She started to hyperventilate when her bedroom door slammed open. Steve was there with his shield, panic in his eyes. Just when he reached his daughter, she collapsed in his arms.

Everything was now much more complicated.

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