Chapter 4 : You're like a legend

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Central Park

"Now, tell me what happened." 

I was currently in Central Park with Peter. He bought me ice cream knowing that it would cheer me up.

"Even if I told you, I'm not sure that you would believe me," I answered

"Oh come on Del, you can tell me."

I was about to speak when we suddenly heard police sirens and gunshots not too far from our location.

"Go home, I'll call you later," Peter says

"What, why Peter?"

"It's dangerous, go home." He warns me again

"What about you, you can't stay here..."

"Adeline, go home. I don't want to see you hurt. Go!"

I slowly start to back up, hesitating. He always does that, he always checks out what's wrong even though I strongly discourage him to do so.

"But Pete..."

"I said go!" He waits until I'm out of his sight before leaving and I slowly walk back home when it, of course, starts to rain.

But I'm in no rush, I could care less if I'm drenched in water. After, about 10 minutes, I arrive home. I walk in and slowly take off my shoes trying to be silent, but since I'm the luckiest person on the planet, my mom noticed me.

"Oh my god Adeline, you were supposed to be home an hour ago! You didn't even call and..." She finally take in my appearance. "Did you walk in the rain?"

"Oh no, I took a swim in the pond in Central Park." I snapped back

"Don't talk to your mother like that! Do you even have an idea of how worried we were..." My so-called father starts

"My mother. Yeah, funny story considering that she didn't even give birth to me."

They were silent for a few seconds before Jenna decided to speak.

"Adeline, what are you talking about? Did you drink alcohol?"

"Are you serious! If I drank alcohol... You know what, let me tell you a funny story." I walked into the living room and sat on a chair. "I was in my math class, having loads of fun of course when suddenly I was called to the front office..."

"Adeline, what are you..."

"Let me finish. So, I go to the office like the good child that I am and I see a man like, James Bond worthy. From there, he takes me to S.H.I.E.L.D where he explains to me that I'm not your kid."

They just stare at me and don't say anything so I continue.

"At first I didn't believe him but he showed me my pretty birth certificate and I saw that my last name was in fact Rogers and not Jones." I finished

"Look, we wanted to tell you but it wasn't the right time," Mark tells me.

I stand up, angry."When were you going to tell me? At my wedding or on my death bed."

"Adeline!" My mom scolds me

I raise my voice. "How can you fail to tell me that I was in fact dumped on your doorstep like Harry Potter?"

"It's not because you weren't our daughter by blood, that we wouldn't love you like one. We tried for years to have a child and just when we were about to give up, you came in the picture." Jenna explains

"This man knocked on our door with you, just a young child asleep in his arms. He said... He said to take care of you, to give you love as you deserved, and to protect you because he couldn't. He seemed destroyed to give you away, but he knew that it was the right choice." Mark finished

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