Chapter 12 : If we get the best friend, we get her

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Adeline was currently at her foster house. Every Saturday, she ate dinner with Mark and Jenna, but today it was different. Mark was not there. Adeline thought that maybe he was late from work but Jenna told her otherwise.

"He keeps disappearing lately. I thought that tonight would be an exception but I guess that I was wrong." She said bitterly while laying down two plates of her famous spaghetti on the table.

"What do you mean?" Adeline asked confused. Jenna sat down and sighed.

"I mean that he either comes really late from work or he leaves randomly in the middle of day, sometimes even night." She pauses, a million thoughts running through her head.

"I'm sorry Jenna, it's my fault, I..." Adeline starts but the older woman cuts her off.

"It's not your fault Adeline." She said grabbing her hand. "You know what? Let's talk about something else like the fact that you're going to homecoming is coming up!" Jenna squealed out and the two ladies continued to speak like old friends not knowing what Mark was up to.

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A man was pouring himself a glass of brandy, in his lair. The place relatively small but its was perfect for his plan. The bunker was underground and rusted, it smelled like smoke and alcohol with a tint of oil. The man was waiting for his minion, who arrived not long after he took his first sip. The young recruit walked in and stood there watching his boss, who was deep in thought. He cleared his throat to signal his presence.

"You're late." He stated.

"I apologize, sir."

The older man turned around and looked directly into the eyes of his apprentice. He walked slowly towards him and the young man quivered in fear.

"I made you a beautiful bomb and yet, you still ruin my plan." He said menacingly. He gestured for the young man to sit down and continued to speak. "Why didn't you stop the girl? Why didn't you stop Adeline?"

"I didn't wanted to hurt her, sir... I mean that if I would've hurt her she wouldn't be useful for us." The young man said unsure.

"Please," he scoffed. "You couldn't hurt her even if you wanted to. You're too weak." He spat. "Now, I'm going to give you another chance and if you mess up, I will kill you."

The apprentice nodded but the words he heard next didn't please him.

"I want you to kidnap Madison Morgan." The villain smirked evilly.

The young man paused not knowing what to say. "Why her?" He managed to squeeze out.

"Adeline is very much like her father. Friendship means a lot. If we get the best friend, we get her." He said with excitement burning through his veins with the thought of Hydra having their super soldier.

"I refuse." The recruit said standing up. "This has gone too far, I..." He couldn't finish his sentence because of his boss who grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up from the ground.

"I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! I GAVE YOU A CHANCE TO GET BACK YOUR DAUGHTER AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?" He screamed in his face. He dropped him to the ground and continued to speak while his recruit was trying to breathe correctly again.

"If you don't do this, I will kill your wife. You hear me boy? I WILL KILL JENNA!"

Mark looked up in fear and by hearing the threat over his wife, he accepted the deal. Already regretting his choice.

He would kidnap Madison Morgan.

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