Chapter 20: Hold on for your life

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What is a Ghost station? The term saw the light during the Cold War, it was used to describe stations of the subway network that were closed during that period of time. Today, the term is used for any abandoned station, wether trains pass through there or not.

Many of them are still being visited today, either by teenagers, itinerants or even Nazis. The man who was behind the recent attacks against New York had decided to hide underground ever since his close call with SHIELD agents. The villain was in the back of the room, staring obsessively at a small machine his organization had been in possession of for a while now. It was believed that the power within the machine came from a small ancient rock that was now somewhere far away in the galaxy. However, no one from Hydra ever managed to open the device, or the one that had, died instantly.

"Sir! Sir, I think that we found a solution." An agent said, running into the room. Hydras chief was watching the little girl from a window, projecting over the training room.

"What is it?"

The agent handed his superior a tablet. "According to her DNA, we believe that she would be able to absorb and survive the strength of the machine."

The chief observed the diagrams and the notes. "But? I feel like there is a condition to this idea." The agent rubbed his neck nervously under the intimidating gaze of the man beside him.

"Yes, sir. She would have to be older. If we were to do it now, she would die."

The whining echoing through the room brought the man out of the past and he turned back to his prisoner who was tied to a chair.

"Please, sir... Let me go." He said groggily.

The man put the machine back in its place and approached him slowly. "You see Mark, that is not possible. I believe that mistakes cannot go unpunished and since you have made many, many mistakes, I have to make you suffer the consequences."

Mark cried out, sounds that would go ignored while the man continued talking. "Now, I have great plans for you but don't fret, I won't kill you... not yet.

A young Adeline opened her eyes with difficulty, someone was shaking her. Her body was still cold and stiff. A small and torn blanket was wrapped around her small frame.

"Don't have much time. Follow me." Adeline grabbed his outstretched hand, not understanding what was happening but the familiar feeling of his metal hand made her feel safe. Eventually, he picked her up, seeing that she couldn't keep up with his long and fast strides, especially in her state.

The duo escaped the facility and t seemed to Adeline that everything happened in a matter of a few minutes because of her constant passing out. After a perilous journey, they arrived in a small suburb. Right before she fell asleep again, she heard him say.

"You're safe now... No matter where you are, I'll find you if you need me."

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