Chapter 15 : Trap

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Warning : Graphic content

Adeline and Steve walked in the room with a hurry in their steps. Fury and Tony were there, waiting for them. "Do you have anything?" Adeline asked as soon as she was close to them.

"Before I say anything, you have to promise me that you won't say anything until I'm done. Understood?" Fury said to the young girl. She nodded impatiently and Fury lit a screen up, on her left. She turned and saw a map with a red dot, paired with the face of an old man whom she presumed was the author of all of this.

"We picked the signal up in an abandoned warehouse just outside New Jersey. The building is three stories high and is probably filled with hydra agents."

"She should be on the second level" Tony added.

"The plan is that we leave in ten minutes to perform the rescue mission. Some S.H.I.E.L.D agents will meet us there, but our goal is to rescue Madison without being seen." Fury paused. "I'm done, you can speak."

"If we get the culprit, what do we do with him?" Adeline asked.

"Don't kill him no matter how much you want to." He said and she rolled her eyes. "We need him for information."

"Can I talk with Adeline for a few minutes?" Steve spoke for the first time since the beginning of the debriefing.

"Make it quick, we leave in five." Fury said, leaving the room. Tony patted Adeline's shoulder and followed Fury outside.

"I know what you're going to say but I'm going to get her anyways." She said.

"That's what he wants, Adeline! He wants you to go in his trap!" Steve exclaimed.

"I know that and I also know that you guys will be there to help me. I understand that it scares you but I'm scared too, but I won't let that stop me."

Steve sighed and rubbed his forehead before pointing a finger at his daughter. "You. Are. Not. Leaving my side. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Captain." She said.

"Not funny." Her father said with a hint of a smile on his face.

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"She has you wrapped around her finger, man" Tony said to Steve.

"I second that." Natasha added from the copilot seat.

"No, I wouldn't say..." He paused, seeing the look on Tony's face. "It's just that when it comes to things like these, there's no use in arguing with her. She's stubborn as hell." Steve finished.

"Reminds me of someone." Nat mumbled.

"What are you guys talking about?" Adeline asked joining the conversation

"About how much your dad is stubborn." Tony said, patting Steve's shoulder. "How's the suit feeling?" He asked her

"Great! I just feel unprotected, I don't have any weapons" She answered.

"You're with us, you'll be fine."

"Cut the chat, we're here." Nat said. She landed the jet and they got out. They went around the crumpling building and stood beside the back door.

"You guys know the plan." Steve paused. "Follow it." He finished, looking straight into his daughter's eyes.

Natasha unlocked the door with a tool and they walked in. Nat and Tony went to the right while Steve and Adeline went on the left. Adeline could feel her heartbeat in her throat. Her best friend was so close yet so far away.

"You've got two friends coming towards you." Tony informed them on the comms.

They both hid in a doorframe waiting for the Hydra agents to pass them and when they did, Steve knocked both of them in the wall. They came upon Tony and Natasha. "Well, I guess that this thing goes in a circle." Tony said when suddenly, alarms started blasting.

A flood of agents came through a door a bit further down the hall and started attacking them. An agent went straight to Adeline, thinking that she was an easy target, but he was wrong. She kicked him right on the nose and he fell limp. The next agent looked at her in fear but still went to punch her. She grabbed his fist, twisted it, did a handstand to wrap her legs around his neck and flipped him over her own body; a move that Natasha thought her.

"The door they came in might be the way to go up. I'll try." Adeline said and ran off.

"Adeline, wait!" Steve shouted after her but she went on, only thinking about Madison.

She climbed the stairs, occasionally pushing Hydra agents over the rail and she then reached a hallway. She saw a man running out of a room so she went where he came from. Madison was strapped on a table, mumbling incomprehensible words. Adeline untied her bonds hastily.

"Adeline?" The girl said weakly.

"It's me, you're okay." She said helping her friend up.

"Took you long enough. 'Was starting to think that you forgot about me." Maddy said, trying to make a joke.

"Never. I'm so sorry Mads..."

"It's not your fault. Just get me out of here."

"Not so fast."

The girls looked at the doorway only to see a man holding a gun up. Adeline tensed up and went in front of Madison.

"What do you want?" She asked

"It's easy. I want you." He said menacingly "I want the super soldier we created. You could learn everything about yourself Adeline. Join Hydra, together we will create a new world. A better world." The man said grinning

"I'd rather die, than be with people like you." She spat.

He looked at her with disgust, knowing what would happen next. "Then so be it."

Everything happened so fast. She heard the sound but she didn't feel anything. Her eyes were closed, she was waiting for the excruciating pain but it wasn't. She opened her eyes. Pool of blood. Madison laying in it. Hands on her chest. Fingers coated in thick, hot blood.

Adeline put her head on her lap and pressed on her friend's injury, tears running down her face. "You're going to be okay. Alright? Don't worry you'll... you're going to be fine." Adeline chocked on her words.

"Adeline..." Madison croaked.

"Don't worry..." Her friend cut her off.

"Promise...Promise me that, that you will stop him." Blood dripped from her mouth. "Tell my parents..."

"Don't talk like that! Help will get here soon, okay?"

"Tell them that I love them." He eyes were starting to close. "Stay with me Maddy!" Adeline said, patting her cheek.

"I love you Adeline."

"I love you too, Madison"

Adeline chocked on her sobs. "Why did you jumped in front of me?" She asked her friend.

"You would've done the same. I..." It was getting hard to speak. "I don't regret it."

Steve, Tony and Nat finally showed up. Steve went to his daughter, who was yelling for him to help her, Tony was standing there, shocked and Nat went after the murderer. S.H.I.E.L.D agents came in with medics. Adeline was clutching her friend's body, devastated.

She was gone.

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