Chapter 17 : Just keep breathing

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Adeline hated wearing just black. At least in those occasions, the color (or rather, the absence of) was associated to sadness and grieving and she hated it. The car ride was long and quiet which she appreciated because she knew that she would have to talk to many people who would tell her that it would get better soon even if she knows that "soon" is a period of time that will most likely be long. When they arrived on site, Steve and Adeline got out of the car and she stood there waiting for the courage to move.

"Listen, Addie... If you ever feel uncomfortable or you want me to take over for you, just tell me. There's no problem." Steve told her softly.

"Thanks, dad." She said and then hugged him.

They walked hand in hand. Adeline was already tired of the pity looks she was getting but she told herself that she shouldn't be complaining because Madison's parents were having it harder and that she should be strong for them. Talking about them... She walked towards the parents of her former best friend and Steve waited a few steps away out of respect. Adeline counted her steps, a habit she had picked up to calm herself down.

Madison's mom saw her and instantly hugged the girl. "I'm sorry. I know these words won't bring her back but I wanted to say that I'm sorry and that I never wanted this to happen..."

Maddie's dad cut her off. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Adeline, I never want you to blame yourself for what happened. You did everything that you could to save her and that's more than enough."

She wondered if it was.

"We would like it if you could say a word during the ceremony. You don't have to do it if you don't want to but we feel like you deserve to say something for her."

Adeline nodded her head slowly, accepting the offer. Giving them a small smile, she joined her father and walked towards the place where the coffin would be lowered. Peter was already there with May and Bianca. She gave the girls long hugs and moved to the boy. His hug was the most comforting because he understood her pain somehow. They held on for a long while and she held his arm during the speech that Madison's parents were doing. It was now her turn.

"Madison was like my sister. She would always dream of bigger things and I hope that wherever she is right now, that it is better than she imagined. Some reporters will maybe say that she was just a casualty of a bigger battle but I can say that Madison is not just anybody. She was a girl full of life and love and she deserves the world. She would always tell me to just keep breathing and since she can't do it herself anymore, I will live for her and make sure that life will be worth it even if my best friend is not there to do it with me because I know that that's what she would've wanted."

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