Chapter 7 : Red Mercury

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The next morning, Fury came to the tower to talk to Steve, Adeline, and Tony. S.H.I.E.L.D had finally received more information on the bombing attack the night before and he was there to share it with them. 

"Last night at 9:45 pm a hooded man walked into the subway station, placed the bomb under a bench. He then walked outside during the explosion, which disconnected the cameras all around the block. We believe that he went back inside to make the graffiti and then ran away. " Fury said before handing them a picture of the bomb, well, what's left of it.

"There were a lot of injured people but we can consider ourselves lucky that no one died because that was one hell of an explosion. "

The trio looked at the picture carefully but Tony seemed to have noticed something more.

"Do you guys see that?"

"See what?" Steve asked, looking closer at the picture

"The small logo on the bomb there. It looks like..." Tony starts but Adeline cuts him off. "Hg. Why would Hg be randomly written on the shell?"

"Maybe it's not random. It could stand for a company, the element Mercury..."  Tony trailed off

" If it stands for Mercury, why would red be written in a small letter over it?. I don't think that red is on the periodic table."  Steve said

"It isn't... Maybe it's for..." Adeline says

Then, she and Tony looked at each other in realization. "It stands for Red Mercury!!!"

"And would you like to explain what that is?" Fury asks

"Red mercury is a substance of uncertain composition purportedly used in the creation of nuclear bombs, as well as a variety of unrelated weapons" Adeline recited her science textbook. She previously thought that being able to remember these things would be useless but now stood corrected. 

"Purportedly? So you're not sure that it exists?" Fury questions

"Oh, I know what that is." Steve butted in, "The Germans had created bombs in WWII with Red Mercury but the Americans stopped them before they could. That's one of the reasons why I wanted to join because the USA had stopped them so easily." Steve said

"Yeah, Red Mercury bombs make huge explosions. Nothing can top that."  Tony informs them

"Well, then Adeline, I want you to stay under the radars until further notice. This was clearly a Hydra attack and we don't want them to find out about you or your abilities." Fury commands

Adeline salutes him. "Yes, sir"

"I'm serious Rogers, I don't want you to go around, breaking rules as your father does."

"Don't worry, I'll keep her in check."

"You better. Call me if there's a problem." And with that, Fury left

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"You did well. You could've done way better but it will suffice for now." An old man with a hoarse and scary voice said.

"Thank you, sir, I..." The man turns around

"But next time, I won't be so tolerant over YOUR mistakes!!!" The man screams

The young man flinches.  "I'm sorry sir, I won't be doing it again..."

"Let me tell you something, boy. If we want Adeline to come back to us, we need to make her feel guilty. We need to make her think that she is responsible for these attacks. You hear me boy?"

"I understand. What do I need to do next?"

"I will tell you when the time comes." He turns back to the window with his cigar between his thick lips.

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