Chapter 11 : I punched him in the face

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Aunt May was sitting at the kitchen table sipping her coffee. She liked having it dark and rich in flavor. It was the next morning of the conference and it was passing on the news for the first time. May, who knew Adeline since her nephew brought her home when they were young, couldn't believe what she saw. She immediately woke Peter up and brought him in the living room.

"Why are you waking me up this early?! School only starts in two hours!" Peter exclaimed with a tired voice. He sat on the couch and rubbed his eyes, trying to erase his tiredness.

"Look at the T.V. Peter!" His aunt said loudly, trying to get her nephew's attention.

"What could be so impor..." He stopped his sentence short and looked at the television to see his best friend with Tony Stark standing behind her. He was so shocked that he couldn't hear what she was saying but her could read the headline very well.

His best friend was a super soldier.

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Adeline took the train to school this day. Tony had proposed to call Happy so he could bring her to school but she refused. It was the first time since her public appearance that she went to school and to say that she was scared was an understatement. She didn't know how her classmates would treat her now that they knew her story. Would they treat her like a circus animal, like a superstar or like a normal person. There was no doubt that she hoped for the last option.

The screeching of the breaks on the rails stopped her mind from rambling. She hopped off the train and walked for a few minutes before arriving on campus. Adeline ignored the few stares she got, waved back to the people who said hello and walked to her locker. She was doing her stuff casually when someone appeared beside her.

"You're a super soldier." It was Ned.

He was Peter's best friend and he loved anything that had to do with Star Wars or superheroes. He was a bit invading but Adeline enjoyed his friendship nonetheless. The boy had his mouth hanging open and looked at her with admiration in his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess." She answered shyly. She didn't like to be the center of attention.

"Why did you kept it a secret? Do you know all of the Avengers? Can you lift me and throw me across the hall?" Ned rambled

"I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. No and probably, yes." Adeline answered simply.

"Wicked." Ned said grinning. Adeline shook her head, trying not to smile at the boy's enthusiasm when Peter walked up to his friends.

"Hey guys." Peter said. He was staring at the girl, trying not to attack her with the millions of questions he had to ask her. "Hey Pete." She answered smiling. "You know, uh." She started. "I wanted to tell you, I just wasn't allowed." She finished with a guilty look painted across her features.

"Don't worry about it, I..." Peter started but someone across the hall cut him off.

"Well, well isn't it the famous Lab Rat?" Flash Thompson said laughing. Adeline looked at him trying to control herself. Flash was always the one who comment on everything. The students stopped what they were doing to listen to their exchange.

"And isn't it the annoying jerk who gets on everyone's nerves?" Adeline shot back and everyone laughed. The bell rang and the students started walking to their classes. "You'll regret this, Rogers." Thompson spat harshly before walking away.

"I shouldn't have said that." Adeline said before walking with the boys to her math class.

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