Chapter 24: Indigo

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"Hello, Adeline

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"Hello, Adeline."

A small light was suddenly turned on, revealing the face of her assailant. The two observed each other, her eyes hard and distrustful, while his were calm and calculated, with a hint of frenzy.

"I'd say it would be a pleasure meeting you, but that would be a lie." She quipped.

He leaned forward on the desk he was sitting at; "And we both know heroes never lie. Don't we Miss. Rogers?"

Adeline's eyes scanned the room they found themselves in. Behind the man was a large board filled with pictures, maps, and notes with frantic words smudged on the yellowing paper. Remains of bomb parts were scattered around the desk and on the grimy floor.

With the help of the star on her chest, Adeline was able to send live images to her father who in turn would send them to the police. Hopefully it would be enough for them to locate the bombs.

The man's voice brought her attention back to him. "Look at this lovely picture," He held up a photo of Mark, Jenna and her when she was a child. The three of them were laughing, while Mark held her on his back. "I'm sure you thought he was your hero, when you were just a little girl. At least, that's what fathers are supposed to be, no?"

"Why are you doing this?" She challenged.

"Oh, you shouldn't be asking me," He stood up and headed to his left, placing his hand on a lever. "You should ask him."

He pulled down the lever and a bigger light turned on, revealing Mark and Jenna chained against the wall. Mark was covered in bruises, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Luckily Jenna seemed to have been spared from the beatings, but she still seemed exhausted.

"I mean, it's his fault isn't it? It's because of him all of this is happening, because of him that your best friend is dead." He taunted.

Adeline took one step forward, making him step back in fear, but the man was quick to stop her. "Not so fast, Adeline, we haven't covered the part where I tell you my whole evil plan." He said with excitement building up with his words.

She looked to the chained couple, especially the woman, who in return nodded to signify that she was alright. Adeline looked to the man once more, "You're just trying to add minutes to your miserable life that I'm about to end."

The man let out a sharp laugh and clapped his hands gleefully. "This is just too good! You know, I've seen the footage of your training before... you know, before you betrayed us. And, let me just say I am not disappointed! You still have the same stubbornness!"

Despite her annoyance, she knew she had to entertain whatever this conversation was, as a way to keep him from triggering the bombs scattered across the city.

"Let me show you!" He turned sharply and pressed play on a small dated television placed on the desk. A black and white video started, where a small girl could be seen. Her clothes were torn and dirty, her hair short and tangled. Many soldiers were lined up against the walls, holding rifles.

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