Chapter 10: Is it slippery again?

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After speaking, there were deafening screams underneath, and it seemed that she would definitely say the tune.

"Mr. Li Hao." Su Yan said without changing her face, this is also the answer she and the show team.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

The polygraph lit a red light again, and barked like crazy underneath.

The hostess also shrugged helplessly. "Look, I've helped you once. This time you must tell the truth."

When several planes aimed at her face again, Su Shi couldn't do any expression, only to pretend to be a helpless smile.

She knew that this scene would be cut into a trailer.

"Luo Han?" She looked tentatively at the polygraph.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

The male host also laughed and motioned to continue her name.

Su Shi wanted to yell at people. This lie detector didn't know if it was real or it was under the control of the show group. She asked her to choose the most handsome one?

Well, she just picks one.

"Miss Yuan Zhenhua."

After that, everyone stared at the polygraph, but the polygraph did not flash a red light at last, and everyone looked very puzzled.

Su Ye knows that this must be a polygraph operated by the show team. If Didi is still at this time, she will definitely offend the old artist, so she will also be against the show team. Naturally will stop.

"Do n’t laugh, Mr. Yuan was not worse than Xiaoxianrou when he was young, like my mother is his fanatic." At this time, the male host also started a serious game.

Others will naturally cooperate, and then there are some small games. After the show is recorded, after the show is over, Su Ying sees that Sister Liu is negotiating with the show director and seems to be asking about the polygraph.

Su Shi had to go to the changing room first to change clothes, but just when she got to the door of the dressing room, she lighted up and stopped in front of her. She thought she was handsome and raised her eyebrows. eat?"

The two staff members passing by looked at them both curiously, looking at the face in front of them, Su Ying blinked, his voice was light, "Sorry, I'm not interested in bullwhip."

After speaking, he went directly into the dressing room from the side. The two staff members couldn't help but laughed. They were all adults who couldn't figure it out, but they didn't expect Quwen to be this kind of person.

Qu Wen glanced coldly at the door of the dressing room, humming, and then turned to leave.

After changing her clothes, Sister Liu waited for her outside, and Su Shi followed her in the business car.

"You haven't done anything in the past few days, so take a good rest at home. I'll let you know when the audition of Jiang Hetai's drama." Sister Liu sat in the front seat and said lightly.

Su Shi tilted his head and looked at the scenery passing by the window, and suddenly said, "You let the show group cut it out."

Post-editing can destroy too many things, and it can also cause people to misunderstand many things. Su Shi didn't want to have anything to do with that song.

"The polygraph is indeed controlled by the show group, and it's just for the breaking point. Even if there is no big mess, as for the later editing, I can't control this. People will cut you and the tune into a pair of cp. What do I have? Method, now do you know the treatment that is not popular? When will you reach the real front line, you will have some right to speak, otherwise, who will listen to you? "Sister Liu's voice was cold, but she also stated a fact.

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