Chapter 93: My boyfriend is young

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After that, Su Shi just smiled slightly at her, "Ms. Ding still has a lot to learn from me."

With four eyes facing each other, Ding Yan glanced at her rather strangely, and without speaking, she took the script and left.

This is a scene in which the female lead deliberately chases over because the male lead often goes to the female partner. She doesn't believe that the male lead will like a dancer.

When preparing to shoot, Su Shi was sitting in the old-fashioned dressing room to remove cigarettes. The last time the male lead went out, the female lead wanted to see the female lead because of curiosity, but was ridiculed by the female partner.

"Okay, every department is ready, action!"

As the director's words came down, the camera suddenly shook over. Su Shi was sitting in front of the makeup mirror, holding a cigarette, and slowly pumping. The woman demon in the mirror was charming, but at this moment, there was a figure of Vino just behind her.

"You ... You are the woman that Brother Hu likes?" The girl in the student's costume of the Republic of China stared at the woman with all kinds of charms in the mirror.

Su Shi didn't look back, just a glance at the corner of her eyes, her voice was indifferent, "Why, wouldn't the little girl want to sing at our Paramount?"

"You!" The female student's eyes widened, and a look of shame appeared on her face, so she yelled at her in a righteous way: "You are not suitable for Brother Hu!"

Then, when the camera was pointed at Su Shi's face, she raised her eyebrows slightly, her mouth slightly raised, suddenly stood up, came to Ding Yan in a hurry, holding the cigarette in her hand, and looked left and right, up and down. When she was around, she smiled scornfully when the other party was in a state of restlessness. "I'm not worth it? Are you worth it?"

Seems to be stabbed by her disdainful eyes, Ding Yan glanced at Su Shi, and gritted her teeth and continued: "In short, I hope you don't entangle Brother Hu again!"

"Entangled?" Su Ye seemed to be amused by the word, and suddenly her red nails slowly slipped off Ding Yan's foundation-coated face, and stopped all the way to her bulging chest. People in our business never entangle guests. "

She brushed her head, exhaled a cigarette in her face, her lips turned slightly, "Only guests entangled us."

With four eyes facing each other, looking at this delicate and charming face, Ding Yan shook her head slightly. When she was about to speak, the director shouted a "card".

"Ding Yan, what's the matter with you, and forgot your lines again?" Li Dao shouted dissatisfied while sitting in front of the monitor. He wouldn't care about anyone's face.

Ding Yan took a deep breath after seeing the other staff members looking at her, and said apologetically to the director: "Sorry, come again."

The Qi field is absolutely proportional to experience, so many young actors always look a little exaggerated when they play against the old opera bones. They are not as natural and calm as the old opera bones, but just now Su Shi and Ding Yan's first The opponent play is indeed a bit too deep, especially when watching online videos, the smart people naturally know that the two are not the same, but the opponent's play Su Shi did not appear to be underpowered because of his youth, but because of role problems It seems a bit strong, and it's hard to imagine her acting so badly in the past.

Another time passed quickly, and Su Shi immediately returned to the lounge. She could see that Ding Yan was targeting her, and she would get more and more powerful. In this case, she might as well start off .

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