Chapter 60: Walk the red carpet

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"I don't want to accept idol dramas now." Su Shi refused without thinking. "There are already two idol dramas this year. I want to try other types."

After talking, the phone was quiet again, and finally compromised: "OK, then I'll help you pick other types of books recently."

Hearing that, Su Shi said "um" gently, and Sister Liu also said that there was an award ceremony a few days ago, which made her remember to attend.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ying was tired and rested in bed for a while. If she wasn't with Xie Yan, if she was still a newcomer, Sister Liu would definitely force her to make this drama. But because she saw that her business value was high now, and she was afraid she would go to Xie Yan's side, she respected her opinions so much.

But people are like this, especially in the entertainment industry. In fact, this is also good and profitable. It is better than the knife behind it.

After taking a bath, she lay in her bed and swiped her cell phone again. These days, the news is almost blocked. She also wants to see what happened in the entertainment industry recently.

Generally speaking, the fans of Wang Cheng and Jiang Yin are even more disparate. Su Shi went to see the tearing of their two fans, which was simply too bad. The big fans of the two fans were even more personal. What Wang Niangniang, Yinjiang's nickname is a lot, it's not just as simple as life attack. After seeing them, Su Shi felt that the abuse he had received before was nothing.

What one gets and endures is always relative. In this circle, even Xie Yan, who is low-key to faceless, has sunspots, not to mention others.

Looking at other developments, Su Shi suddenly discovered one thing. Two days before a costume show, the official announcement was that the male lead was Lin Mao, which is also one of the four major flows, and it still has the best acting skills, logically speaking. The heroine of this drama should also be a little flower online, but Su Shi found that the heroine was Tong Le.

She hasn't been in touch with Tong Le for a long time, and has been filming, so many artists are always separated because of gathering together and leaving away, and they have no time to talk about love, let alone the connection between friends.

She did not contact Tong Le for a long time, but she did not expect that she won the female of the show silently. To know that this kind of play would not be exaggerated even if Yang Yang was invited to perform. An upright newcomer, her family could not stand close to the entertainment industry. Out of curiosity, Su Shi wanted to ask her, but after thinking about it so late, thinking about what opportunities others might have, she didn't bother her. .

She slept after swiping her mobile phone. She didn't sleep well these days. She didn't hear it until the alarm sounded for a long time the next day.

When I went to the crew, the makeup artist saw her heavy dark circles and immediately thickened her with concealer. Today, there are a lot of plays. Su Shi thinks that his body may really be too much to eat. Able to fall asleep.

Carrying it for a few days, when Sister Liu took her to the awards ceremony, she fell asleep as soon as she got on the plane. When she got there, she was shaken by her.

"If you are tired, I will ask you to take two days off with the crew. Don't get your body out of order." Sister Liu said in front.

Xiao Zhou in the back helped her carry the bag. Su Shi wore sunglasses to walk in the middle, and she could fall asleep while walking.

"Ah, ah, ah! Su Shi!"

"Susu here !!!"

After coming out, Su Shi's scream from the pick-up port directly shocked Su Shi's spirit. Through the sunglasses, she only saw a group of girls holding her sign swarming towards this side.

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