Chapter 42: Talent

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Wen Yan, Su Shi looked up and smiled, "Thank you."

He Hua can be found, this girl is not as free and impetuous as ordinary young people, she has an indescribable indifference, just like her performance, the long stream of water slowly penetrates.

"Since you're with Xie Yan, you might as well come to our company. Although Liu Min has some connections in the fashion circle, but her shortcomings in the film and television circle, but I have a lot of resources wasted in no one's hands. Use it, not to mention others, now that the "Immortal Road" filmed by Yang Ye and Wang Cheng, if you come to our company, I will definitely win that movie for you! "He Huayan said in a chic way.

Su Shi didn't doubt his ability. After many artists in the circle were together, the public relations team would be together and save a lot of money. If she is in a company with Xie Yan, she will definitely be more free in other aspects, and the company will get a lot of money. It's not that serious.

However, her contract with Xinghui has not expired yet. If she cancels the contract early, she will have to pay 20 million, and the company is not bad for her. She has all the resources she should give. Marketing PR is also very hard work. Fancy interests, but they are partners in the first place, the bond between them is that layer of interest relationship, not to mention the other, she can go to the present position is definitely a great credit.

"Are you worried about losing money? It doesn't matter. I'm familiar with the vice president of your company. I will definitely not let you lose so much money and our company will help you out." He Hua really wanted to Pulling Su Shi as a businessman, he naturally saw the infinite potential of Su Shi.

Moreover, there are really not many 20 million. As long as Su Shi is popular, who do not have a tens of millions of films for those first-line little Huadan?

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm still in the beginning and it's not suitable for changing the team. Let's talk about it later." Su Shi said politely.

She was also reluctant to be the white-eyed wolf crossing the river.

He heard that although He Hua was a bit pity, he didn't say anything, just stepped on the accelerator and continued to drive forward.

He also found that Su Shi looks quiet and not aggressive, but she is actually very opinionated. She knows her environment and what she wants. This little girl is really suitable for this circle, at least than Xie Yan's unsophisticated wood is more suitable.

After returning to the crew, there was a night show in the evening, and Su Shi was in a hurry to put on makeup, only to see He Hua went into Xie Yan's dressing room, and didn't know what to say.

Because she was going to join the crew of that police band movie after a while, so she was filmed together in this film. It was solidly shot at midnight before she changed her clothes and went back to the hotel.

Xie Yan closed the job early, but he didn't seem to go back first, but was always waiting for her there. Su Shi also asked the driver to go back first and go to Xie Yan's car.

As soon as she got in the car, she was so exhausted that she rested there, so that Xie Yan said nothing and didn't open her eyes until there was a touch of warmth on her lips.

"I said why you've been sneaking up to Uncle Liu lately, thinking that I can't even match Uncle Liu. It turns out that you're so brave and you're going to learn to smoke." Xie Yan's face looked as if angry.

In the dim light, there was no anger in his eyes, but with concern, Su Shi boldly hugged his neck, his head froze between his neck, and murmured: "I just auditioned until I entered Before that show, I would never smoke again. "

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