Chapter 106: rule

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Looking at each other, Su Shi blinked and whispered, "I ... I just ask casually."

Xie Yan looked at her with a serious expression, "Some things can't be asked casually."

Su Shi lowered her head and didn't talk anymore. She closed her eyes and rested there. She didn't ask if she didn't ask. She didn't regret marriage.

When the car stopped outside the airport, Xiao Zhou immediately got out of the car and picked up something in the trunk. Su Shi also pulled the handlebar and prepared to push the door out of the car.

"You go like this?" Xie Yan took her slender arm.

Su Shi turned his head and saw that he was staring at himself. He had no choice but to brush his head, but when he was half a finger away from his face, he was suddenly pressed on the seat, and the masculine atmosphere immediately surrounded her. .

"Uh ... thanks ..."

Xie Yan was too rough today. Su Shi pushed it twice without pushing away. He could only reach his shoulder with his hands weakly. Outsiders came and went, Xiao Zhou seemed to see something, and he deliberately turned his back to the window to cover it. Out of the snoop.

The ambiguous breath permeated the entire darkened carriage. When the hot kiss fell on her neck, Su Shi lifted his head weakly, reached out and hugged his neck, his face flushed, and said, "My movie is progressing fast, very It's about to kill. "

After speaking, Xie Yan just buried her neck and took a bite, and said dumbly, "I'll pick you up."

"His ..." Su Shi just felt a pain in his neck, and he couldn't help raising his hands to pat his shoulder. "You walk away first, I have to get out of the car, and my mother said, I can't live with you before I get my permit."

After that, Xie Yan raised her head and frowned, "Why?"

Su Shi blinked, her cheeks getting warm. "She ... she said it was our family rule."

Xie Yan: "..."

He lowered his eyes, Xie Yan suddenly sat on the other side, still condensed, his voice was light, "It doesn't matter, I'll pick you up when the time comes."

After speaking, Su Shi looked at him seriously again, hesitated twice, and seemed to want to say something, but when he saw people coming and going, he had to pass his head and kiss him quickly, then pushed away quickly. The door went down.

Putting on a mask, Su Shi covered her hair and looked at the car behind her. Then she and Xiao Zhou walked into the airport lobby.

In fact, Su Shi knew what her mother meant. From the beginning, she did n’t like living with her before marriage, that is, Xie Yan had nothing wrong with her. This would be very unhappy if she changed to another person. Even so, before, She also taught her over the phone.

Until watching the figure outside the window gradually disappeared into the flow of people, the talents in the car turned back.

It ’s already more than two in the morning when I return to the crew. Construction will start at seven tomorrow, and Su Shi will have only a few hours to sleep. The progress of this show is very tight, so it will be very hurry when shooting.

Later, Su Shi had been filming in the crew and did not go to participate in other activities. She was killed almost at the end of August. After participating in the killing of the Qingfan Bureau, she rushed home, even if there was a paparazzi behind.

The main actress I picked up was in mid-September, so Su Shi could rest at home for half a month. When she arrived home at 7 pm, her mother left her a meal. There was no accident when eating. Sorry again.

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