Chapter 101: Recognized

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Today's hot search has been swept by the meteor shower, but others took more beautiful pictures than her, but Su Shi brushed the pictures taken by others, and when she was about to exit, she found that her Weibo had blown up!

She had more than 3,000 comments a minute before she opened it, but her cell phone rang suddenly. It was Yao Yin's phone.

After the connection, there was a helpless voice immediately over there, "Don't you say that the Dragon Boat Festival is good?"

Su Shi leaned there and didn't know what to say. The light above her head was so dazzling. When she looked away, she saw the original figure walking downstairs.

"I ... I don't know, it's Xie Yan, but there is no difference between the morning and the evening, so be it." Su Shi sat cross-legged and stared at the man who came towards her dissatisfied.

Until now, Yao Yin has nothing to say. Fortunately, these days, the media platforms have already done a good job. At this time, it is only necessary to control online public opinion.

"Okay, then you can also respond to Xie Yan later, just reply with love, so as not to send too many horns." Yao Yin said seriously.

After hearing that, Su Shi said "OK" and then hung up the phone, and then went to read the online reviews. She only called for a minute, and Xie Yan's Weibo comment reached 20,000. Mourning.

Netizen A: This ... Is this public?

Netizen B: Just now I made a wish to Meteor and hoped that Xie Yan could be with Su Shi, so is this my wish come true? [Laughing]

Netizen C: No! !! !! My husband is mine! They must be joking! !! !!

Netizen D: This must be fake! !! !!

Netizen E: This is a meteor shower with a nightmare [laughing]

Netizen F: Look at the microblogging tonight, let's keep the claws!

Netizen G: Some ca n’t believe it, so is this the victory of cp fan [laughing]

Su Shi was still commenting, and Wang Cheng sent a message to congratulate him until the sofa around him slightly collapsed. Su Shi tilted his head and looked at this man who had no sign of warning and didn't know what to say.

"He Hua said that he would take a group photo publicly, I forgot." Xie Yan put her hand behind her and looked at her seriously.

Su Shi glanced at him, not knowing what to say, and suddenly turned on the camera and sat down with a smile. "Then we take a picture."

She smiled uneasily at first glance, but Xie Yan still obediently reached out and embraced her shoulder, crossed her head, her nose was close to her ears, her eyes only fell on her.

Su Shi didn't like her pose very much, and straightened his head with another hand, let him look at the camera, and took two pictures with "click".

After turning on the beauty camera, she added several special effects and turned Xie Yan's face into a black charcoal face.

After boarding her large size, Su Shi posted this photo again.

Su YanV: But you are very ugly [Image] @ 谢 延 is not good-looking without you [Love] @ 苏 莘 Today ’s meteor shower is really beautiful [Picture]

After posting it, she felt very funny again, and showed Xie Yan the photo again, "Does it look good?"

Xie Yan, who had watched her picture all the way, never said a word, and saw her smiling so happily, the hand that took her shoulder gradually slipped to her waist, bullying herself and pressing people on the sofa, her eyes burning, "You are the most good looking."

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