Chapter 109: Tenderness

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Seeing that he had been staring at himself, Su Shi carefully walked forward with his skirt in his hands, and blinked curiously, "Doesn't it look good?"

"Well ... according to my design philosophy, it is best to remove this sleeve, this will make your shoulder shape look more perfect, and when wearing a necklace will also look like your collarbone is more sexy, but ... also depends on you Meaning. "An Li shrugged slightly, her eyes turning around the two.

On the other hand, Yao Yin stepped forward and swept Su Shi up and down, his eyes were full of appreciation, "Everyone said that women wear wedding dresses the most beautiful, but I also think this sleeve should not exist, of course, you are comfortable to wear after all. "

Su Shi lowered her head and scanned her sleeve. She also knew that the sleeve would be a little cumbersome, but she would be more comfortable with the sleeve. After all, the wedding dress was comfortable to wear.

"It looks so good, you don't need to change it." Xie Yan suddenly made a noise, walked forward and came to Su Shi, staring at her with a burning gaze: "Go and change."

Su Shi tilted his head, suddenly met his dark eyes, and couldn't help but look down at his wedding dress again, "Why are you talking a little reluctantly?"

If you look good, you can't even give a smile, and it looks fierce.

"It's good enough, Xie Yan's eyes are nailed to you." Yao Yin couldn't help but chuckled, but a young and beautiful girl like Su Shi really deserves to be treated so rare by a man.

Upon hearing this, Su Shi glanced at Xie Yan again, and found that he was still looking at himself, immediately blushed, lifted the skirt and walked into the fitting room.

This wedding dress has seven or eight kilograms. Although the layers are beautiful, it is troublesome to take off. When Su Shi changed his clothes and came out, she found that Anli and Xie Yan were still talking. After she passed, An Li Cai said with a smile: "We will let you send the wedding dress, the veil will be modified according to your ideas, and I will send it to you when the time comes."

After that, Xie Yan nodded, and then he took Su Shi's hand and walked out the door. Su Shi heard that many people like to make the veil long. After giving birth to a daughter, you can change her into a skirt. It is love. The crystallization of this, but only heard about it, he seemed to have this idea after watching Xie Yan's request.

"Why didn't you see the design of your clothes?" Su Shi asked curiously beside him.

Xie Yanla drove the door without looking at her, but Yao Yin at the back waved his car and waited for Su Shi to sit in. Xie Yan closed the door and walked to the other side of the door.

It was snowing outside today, and the car was even covered with a layer of broken snow. Su Shi sat in the co-driver's seat and watched the people fasten his seat belts. He couldn't help but asked softly, "Why don't you talk?"

Is that wedding dress ugly? Xie Yan cares about her face so she doesn't like to say it?

Turning her head, facing her curious eyes, Xie Yan suddenly reached out and held her back of her head. She crossed her head and kissed her on the lips, her eyes were dark, "What do you want me to say? Are you beautiful?" "

Then she lowered her head and buried her neck and took a deep breath. "But I don't want anyone to see it."

Su Shi's heart fluttered, and she blushed and shrank her neck. "This wedding dress is already very conservative. Am I going to wear it badly to be satisfied?"

A soft voice sounded in the ear, Xie Yan raised her head to face her clear eyes, and her voice was low. "Only once, I can barely endure."

"Then take me to the airport, then." Su Ming shoved his shoulders in the corner of his mouth.

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