Chapter 110: Wedding scene.

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Recently, the movie has been severely judged. Xie Yan's action movie was stuck at that level because it was too bloody, but this also avoided the situation where the film was released at the same time as his movie. The wind was not so tight after a while. Would be better.

It was still snowing with goose feathers outside, and Su Shi was lying on the bed, lazily brushing his mobile phone. Xie Yan, who had just returned from the gym, suddenly entered the room, covered with sweat. Su Shi glanced at him and rolled over to continue Swipe your phone.

Although I was about to get married recently, there was no news on the Internet. It can be seen that He Hua had spent a lot of thoughts on his back. He would definitely not invite reporters on the wedding day. The guests did invite a lot of people, because sometimes they had to communicate, even on the surface There is nothing to lose in having a good relationship with others, and there is still money to collect.

Recently, a lot of movies have been blocked, so the Chinese New Year's blockbusters are much less. The movie's screening effect was good before, and the crew also promoted a wave. Now the reputation of this show is very good. How high is the box office, as long as it doesn't flutter, after all, it is half a literary film. The box office is certainly not high, and it can only go to the award.

Suddenly, a large hand came out of her shoulder while she was brushing her phone. Su Shi turned her head and the whole person was embraced by the other person with the quilt. She struggled twice and immediately reached out to push his shoulder. "Your hair Didn't blow dry, stay away from me! "

She was petite and petite, just like holding a child. Xie Yan pressed the person under her across the quilt, bowed her head and kissed her white tender face, "You didn't say that yesterday, you just let me ... "

"Stop!" Su Shi quickly reached out and covered his mouth, his face flushed. "You are shameless!"

Knowing that she had no activity after that, this person didn't know what restraint was at all. She let him end it quickly, and this shameless person knew to grasp this sentence to connotate her!

"Who told you to call your husband like this?" Xie Yan frowned, looking at this little face with extreme shame.

The latter simply put his hand over his entire face, and said indignantly, "I can say what I want to say. Am I wrong?"

Then, she simply labored to pull up the quilt to cover her face again. "You go away, I'm going to cook. If you are late, you will go for takeaway today!"

Seeing that she wrapped herself tightly, Xie Yan smiled and didn't speak. Then she got up and went outside the room. The person in the quilt stuck out her head and saw that there was no one outside, so she immediately got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash.

After going downstairs, I made a three dishes and one soup for someone to change meals, but Su Shi can not eat too much, otherwise it will not look good in a wedding dress.

Xie Yan's parents also returned on the thirtieth day of the new year. They all ate outside and were photographed by paparazzi, saying that they had seen each other's parents, and it seemed that good things were near.

Although the box office rose after the movie was released, it has been very good for this theme. The most important thing is that it has a good reputation. For Su Shi, it is already very important to have the box office and word of mouth for the first time. Well, there will be no actual results in the big screen circle in the future.

Three days before the wedding, her mother told her to go home. She was not allowed to meet with Xie Yan for three days. Her sister also told her many wedding details. Su Shi wanted to ask her a cousin who was more familiar from a young age to come as a bridesmaid, but Su Ruan said that many people came this time, and the bridesmaids had to accompany a table and a table toast. The courage and the amount of alcohol must be good. Just as Xue Xingning asked her bridesmaids, Su Shi looked for her.

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