Chapter 45: All black

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Su Shi had a guilty conscience, but she thought for a while that she didn't do anything wrong, and that Tan Haozhi didn't like her, they were just ordinary neighbor relationships.

Thinking of it this way, she nodded her head immediately, "My neighbor, I have known each other for a long time."

Seeing the frankness she admitted, Xie Yanding stared at her for a while, then pulled her up, "Let's go."

Putting on the big down jacket hat, Su Shi put on a pink mask, showing only a pair of eyes outside, and then followed Xie Yan coldly out of the dressing room.

The outside staff looked at the two people entering and leaving the same day by day as if they were used to it. People in the circle knew that Xie Yan was a very low-key person. He couldn't see him except for the filming, but no one thought that he was private. Below is still a pet girlfriend madness!

The shooting location was in a community, which was all wrapped up by the crew, and walked to the door. Uncle Liu in the security kiosk was smoking, and saw Su Shi came across the glass, and immediately walked out of the security with a cigarette. Ting said with gratitude to Xie Yan: "Xie Yan, you have to look at Su Shi carefully. This girl asked me two days ago for cigarettes. I am very young and do n’t break my body for filming."

After that, the two young security guards on the side couldn't help laughing. Some time ago, Su Shi also liked to discuss smoking with them, which was strange.

Hearing that Xie Yan couldn't help looking at the rigorous person wrapped around him, and the latter didn't look at him, just sulking: "I didn't smoke, I just wanted to learn the posture of the old-fashioned cigarettes. . "

The posture of smoking is very important, and the expression she shows when smoking is also important. The details change everything, and she naturally has to think carefully.

And this uncle Liu is too bad. She obviously took a few Xie Yan's autographs and gave it to his granddaughter, and now she still comes to sue her!

"Smoke gun, are you still sensible?" Xie Yan lifted her hat and pulled her neck, Su Shi immediately drew back her neck.

"You are the big gun!"

Su Shi, wearing a hat, strode out of the community again and decided not to go to Uncle Liu in the future. The brother of that prop group is also an old smoker. After that, he will have time to observe his expression when he smokes.

After walking out of the community, she walked a long way. She saw a familiar black Bentley parked beside the road, and looked at Xie Yan who followed him. Su Shi wrapped her hat tightly again, for fear of being photographed. .

When I walked by, I saw her coming, and the inside immediately opened the door and walked down. When I saw that only her eyes were wrapped around her, she couldn't help laughing, "Is it so cold?"

After taking the bag that he handed over, Su Shi said in a sullen voice: "Of course it's cold, our thin people have no fat to resist the cold winter."

She was amused by what she said, but Tan Haozhi saw the tall man behind Su Shi. He was wearing a black coat and a mask, and his faint eyes seemed to be staring at him.

At this time, Xie Yan was also looking at the opposite man. He was not bad. According to the little girl, it was the one that was warmed by the man. When he was talking, he always looked at Su Shi with a smile. Familiar, Su Shi also jokes unobtrusively in front of him. Xie Yan knows that Su Shi will never speak so casually to an unfamiliar person. Even to Zhao Tong, she never made such a joke.

Xu Shi felt that the atmosphere was awkward, and Su Shi didn't know what to say for a while.

"Is this your colleague?" Tan Hao's first voice broke the whole embarrassment.

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