Chapter 73: As expected

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"I ..." Su Shi held the doorknob tightly, and frowned, and finally slowly opened the door with a tiny slit, and stretched out his hand quickly, "You give me!"

Through the gap, I can only see the mist in the bathroom. The arm that is stretched out is white and slender, and there are drops of water on it. Some of them slide to her wrist, leaving a meandering on Bai Nen's arm. Water marks.

"Use me for help?" His voice was dumb.

The people inside were clinging to the door, the little blush was like an apple, and the thin white arms stretched out shook. "Just give me the towel!"

Looking at the towel in her hand, Xie Yan still handed it to her, and the latter immediately grabbed the towel and shrank back, and closed the bathroom door with a strong "bang".

Looking at the closed bathroom door, Xie Yan smiled or returned to his room.

It was already 1 am when Su Shi came out. There were quilts in the guest room, but Xie Yan rarely had time. Su Shi still wanted to ask him about the previous script, but she was still a little embarrassed at the thought of what happened just now. Hesitated for a long time, and finally went to his room.

When he came to Xie Yan's room, he happened to be sitting at the table and looking at the computer. After Su Shi walked over, he came to the desk and sat down. "I have received a book before. Take a risk, can you help me? "

As I looked up, I saw that the person on the opposite side had a pale skin, and stretched out his little arm to fiddle with the notebook on his desk. There was almost no flaw in the little face that was facing the sky, that was, there was not enough rest, and the complexion was a little bad.

"Look, isn't this hostess a bit unflattering?" Su Shi pushed the computer over.

After taking the computer, Xie Yan looked at the font on the screen unchanged, and then slowly moved down the page. Su Shi could not help feeling a little sleepy while sitting opposite, but he continued to wait for him to finish reading.

I don't know how long, just when Su Shi was about to fall asleep on the table, the opposite person finally moved the computer over again.

"After all, the TV series is shown to the audience. Even if it is close to reality, the audience does not like it will not make a word-of-mouth drama." Xie Yan tapped the desktop twice with a pen, and said softly: "If you do n’t change the settings, there is some flaw in the plot. The last scene can be changed into the meeting of the great prince entering the palace, and ending with the heroine in the royal garden, which will leave the audience with the illusion that they can still be together. "

Hearing that, Su Shi nodded seriously, "I will tell sister Liu, can you talk to the crew?"

As she said, she turned off the computer and laughed, "There are too many people who like the heroine. Do you need to change this?"

"It's just humanity to like it because of its beauty," Xie Yan said, still clinging to her head, and staring at her tightly. "And, you're good-looking."

Looking at each other, Su Shi could not help but start to speed up her heart again, and immediately closed the notebook, she did not know that Xie Yan would still be in love.

"I went back to bed, and you went to bed earlier." She got up, glanced at Xie Yan, followed her neck and walked out the door.

Watching her passing by, Xie Yan suddenly grabbed her white wrist, and Su Shi immediately jumped to his heart.

He got up and grabbed the thin waist under her thin shirt, his eyes burning. "I want to sleep with you."

It was this kind of look again. Su Shi didn't hold his breath unconsciously, and he blinked with big eyes, but he didn't dare to look at him, "You ... didn't you ... refuse to sleep with me last time?"

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