Chapter 33: Drunk

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Xie Yan: Is the egg noodle first or the noodle?

Su Shi: "..."

Suddenly she wanted to laugh, but she didn't know anything, and she cooked noodles by herself?

Su Yan: Is there no one else in your family?

No one else, what does he usually eat? What about Zhao Tong?

After a while, the other party jumped out a message.

Xie Yan: Aunt asked for leave today.

In fact, Su Shi was very puzzled. Most people would eat something more or less at home. Why did Xie Yan suddenly want to cook noodles in the middle of the night?

Su Shi: To make it simpler, just put the oil first, don't burn it too red, and then add water. After the water is boiled, put the noodles. If you want to eat poached eggs, beat the eggs directly, or put it in a bowl and mix After mixing, wait until the noodles are almost cooked, then pour the egg liquid into it, then add the appropriate amount of salt, and sesame oil, and put a few MSGs, and sprinkle the green onions when it is out of the pot.

After sending it, there was no news over there. Su Shi also went to take a bath to prepare to sleep. When she came out, she found a picture back there. She looked for a long time and realized that he must have boiled the water. There was only a stack of noodles sticking together.

Su Shi wanted to laugh, so he could only type a few words in the past.

Su Shi: If you do n’t know, do n’t cook it, eat something else first.

After posting it, the other party returned quickly.

Xie Yan: So salty.

Su Yan: It ’s all the same for the first time. Do n’t eat any more. Eat something else. I ’m going to bed. Good night.

Tomorrow will have to eat with the producer of the urban drama. This time without her sister, I can imagine she will be drunk again.

After a while, "um" came back over there, and Su Shi pulled the quilt to sleep.

Dinner was in the evening, but Su Shi had to go to that film company with sister Liu at noon. After the place, the producer was still busy with other things, and Su Shi waited there for a long time.

"I heard that Xie Yan is going to perform. This show has attracted a lot of investors. Now this producer is laughing and afraid of dreaming. Guess who is the second female in this show?" The room whispered to her.

There was no third person in the lounge, and the door was closed. Su Shi had to wink and wondered, "Who?"

Sister Liu meant googly lips, "Li Xue."

Li Xue?

Su Shi was also shocked. Although Li Xue's fame is not as good as Yang Yi's, they are also a popular flower with a strong momentum. In the past, it was more than enough to be the first girl in this drama. Now she is willing Come on as the second girl? Or did she play with a notorious person?

"I said that not only did this show draw a lot of investment, but the other supporting roles settled are not small, not to mention the other, the producer also shot the well-known old drama bones of Yishui to match the show, Guess who the third man is again? "Sister Liu smiled meaningfully.

Su Shi didn't speak, just frowned and looked at her quietly.

"It's Luo Han." Sister Liu said in a low voice. "Although I don't know who the second man is, it's definitely not a newcomer."

Luo Han is the first male lead in her online drama. The person is not bad, but she and the original owner are only in a general relationship. The relationship is not very good. The previous momentum is good. They are matched in some major productions. In the drama, Su Shi didn't know what to say for a while.

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