Chapter 100: propose

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"Where did I say that!" Su Ying glared at him, then quickly closed his eyes and didn't look at him.

Xie Yan has no bottom line at all now, and she certainly can't win this person.

Seeing that she did not speak, Xie Yan did not speak, but just stared at her for a while, still embraced her shoulders, and took him into her arms, the latter moved twice, and finally rested in his arms obediently.

Xiao Zhou in front of her gritted her teeth, no more, her girl's heart has overflowed so much that she can't help it!

After arriving at the hotel, Su Shi asked the driver to take Xiao Zhou back, and she was in Xie Yan's car.

She went back to the room and took the boxes. She didn't bother to avoid them. She got into Xie Yan's car directly. She knew that there was a paparazzi in the back, so let's take a photo. Anyway, it was released in two days.

After getting on the car, there was still heavy rain outside. The heavy raindrops hit the car. The entire sky was dim. After wiping the raindrops on her body, she sat there and swiped her mobile phone. "Official official announcement day, because in two days she will be in the crew to shoot, at this time the crew also announced some main creative staff.

The male lead is a pure newcomer. I heard that I am still studying in a film school. Although not very handsome, she belongs to that type of movie face and is particularly resistant to watching. Other supporting actors are newcomers, and it is she who has the highest profile.

Netizen A: This is not the same as catching Huayan, a resource that people can't find in a lifetime, Miss Su can be a few months [smiling face]

Netizen B: With so many newcomers, are you afraid that the old drama will steal her limelight?

Netizen C: The sunspot is so funny, my family Su Su wants to be popular and popular, to be worthy of beauty, and the only one who has won the mainstream movie award since 1990. Please read [Smile Face]

Netizen D: Even if there is a good company, this resource is too 6, it feels comparable to those big flowers.

Netizen E: There are many right and wrongs, and resources must be hacked. Su Su [love] distressed by the way, "A little bit of light" by Amway's finale tonight!

Netizen F: Looking forward to Su Su's new play, let some people be jealous. We blame us for the good resources [smile face]

Now there are her sunspots everywhere on the Internet, but she also has a lot of fans. Now she has 40 million followers on Weibo. Most of them are young fans. They are tearing up with sunspots every day. Su Shi is used to it Anyway, the fans will automatically control the evaluation, and the company can save money to buy the water army.

Today's TV drama finale, but next month she and Li Hao's police bandit drama will also be broadcast. This is also a turning point in her transformation. After all, idol dramas are only used to attract popularity, and the popularity has definitely transformed.

"Is Aunt Wang at home today?" She suddenly turned her head and asked.

Turning the steering wheel with one hand, Xie Yan didn't look back, "Not here."

After that, Su Shi looked at him with some suspicion. Almost every time she went to her house, her aunt was not there, and it must have been opened up by this person again.

As if guessing her mind, Xie Yan tilted her head slightly and her lips opened slightly. "Aunt Wang gave birth to a son and will never come again."

Su Shi: "..."

When she heard the topic of having a baby, she inexplicably tilted her head, closed her eyes and leaned there without talking.

She had done it before, every time it was in the security period, today's words ... seems to be the security period.

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