Chapter 69: Show variety

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I heard that Su Shi didn't say much. He waited for a while to board the plane. When he got back to the apartment, it was already 9pm, and there was still half a month to join the group. There were quite a lot of activities during the period.

She sat on her bed and looked at her schedule for a period of time in the future, but found that online rumors about Xie Yan's girlfriend are still getting worse. Fortunately, Cen Qing has been ruled out because Xie Yan's studio issued a statement.

Xie Yan Studio V: The rumors on the Internet are not true. Xie Yan and Ms. Cen Qing are just ordinary colleagues. I hope that everyone will not pass on the word to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding for the two.

Netizen A: emmmm ordinary colleague relationship ha ha ha ha

Netizen B: Does Cen Yan's face hurt?

Netizen C: My favorite in this circle is a broker like He Hua, who never stubbornly clarifies each time [laughs]

Netizen D: Suddenly remembered Su Shi, why didn't the studio clarify their relationship? Is it ...

Netizen E: Xie Yan had already clarified the relationship with Su Shi when he was filming "Songs in a Troubled World", and the studio did not need to clarify it again.

Netizen F: So who is that woman in the photo? [Crying]

Netizen G: After zooming in on the photo, I found out that it was her husband who took the initiative to pull someone ’s hand, but the other person ’s hand did not bend [laughing]

Su Shi had to admire the brains of netizens. She didn't remember when Xie Yan pulled her hand. This seemed to be that she was cold to Xie Yan.

But yesterday, too many people have seen her wearing that skirt, and someone will probably break the news, but as long as some mainstream media do not speak, other small news that fans should not believe it, and everything is under the control of He Hua, she still does not need to Forget it.

Turning over the schedule sent by Sister Liu, she has been playing for a while, and Jiang Yin's drama is about to be broadcast. Tomorrow, I will go to a variety show to promote it. There will be several offline commercials in the back. There are several magazine covers, and on the 9th, they have to go to an award ceremony, which is almost everywhere.

Look at some of the books sent by Sister Liu, which were screened by her. I added quotations and some production team conditions later. Generally speaking, the quality of the books she received was much higher.

Now her quotation has also reached 350,000 episodes. A drama has more than 10 million looks, but there are also some expensive ones, but basically they are some idol dramas, still kind of dog blood.

Su Shi turned it over for a while, and finally turned to a different book. This is an actress in a costume costume. It is different from those dramas in which White Lotus was forced to grow. This heroine is very opinionated. She is a famous woman. After that, it was a pity that Dad gave his life for the country on the battlefield, and his mother went with his father when he was sad. The hostess was only twelve years old at that time, because other people in the clan did not like her and felt that she was a broom star. The Lord was taken into the palace by an aunt in the palace.

From a beloved lady of thousands of dollars to an orphan suffering from white eyes, the hostess's mood has been changing. She gradually understands the importance of power and hates those patriarchs who occupy her property, but she is too weak, what? Nothing can be done.

Although she was only twelve years old, she was very beautiful. The princesses in the palace did not like her and bullied her everywhere. The hostess was also very clever and understood her own advantages. Every time the emperor came to her aunt, she She will often expose her wounds in front of the emperor. Her father is a hero, and the emperor also has some pity for the heroine. Therefore, she is often rewarded. Others are even more jealous. The heroine will cleverly take risks.

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