Chapter 85: I'm hungry

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Su Shi just heard the coffee in his mouth and nodded slightly.

There are many people in the circle who are unhappy with the show team because they taboo on these sensitive issues. So no matter what program they are on, the staff will disclose the approximate dimensions of these stalks first, but Su Shi does n’t think it matters. .

"At that time, there may be a telephone connection, is this okay?" The staff member asked.

After that, Su Shi thought again, and finally nodded.

Seeing her cooperating so quickly, the staff quickly went through some procedures with her and left, leaving Su Shi and Xiao Zhou in the entire dressing room.

Su Shi wanted to say something to Xie Yan, lest he would show his feet, and after she sent a message, she didn't reply over there and didn't know what she was doing.

Until a staff member said that the rehearsal had begun, she walked outside the video studio. The rehearsal did not require much beautiful makeup, but it was needed when the video was officially recorded.

The design of the appearance is from the more cool one. Su Shi played with Jiang Yin, Zhu Qinqin and another man who played the second male are in a group. There are only some associate directors and staff sitting underneath. The audience are all No entry yet.

"Wow, Jiang Yin, you're here again!" The hostess smiled with a joke.

Jiang Yin once came to promote her new album before, and the time is not far away. This time, the hostess can't help but ridicule.

"You don't welcome me, then I'm going home." Jiang Yin walked back pretending to be angry, and the hosts immediately laughed and pulled him, and Zhu Qinqin, who was closest to him, also grasped Jiang. Yin arm, but the latter accidentally broke her away.

"How can you not welcome, your drama is very hot recently, my mother is chasing, can you reveal the ending first?" The male host took the topic and talked.

Jiang Yin on the side also smiled mysteriously, "The ending is that the main characters are dead."

"Well, you are too bad. At that time, the audience may have to send a blade to the screenwriter." The hostess smiled and looked at Su Shi again. "Su Shi seems to be working with Jiang Yin for the first time, do you think he is a what kind of person?"

There are no cameras underneath. Only the director is watching the rehearsal. He Hua is also sitting underneath. Su Shi is standing next to Jiang Yin. He heard the words and laughed back: "He sings very well, sometimes he is more humorous , There is no idol baggage in private, it's fine. "

They were all official answers, but Jiang Yin couldn't help but look at her more, and didn't know whether she said it was true or false.

"I heard that Jiang Yin is going to have a concert recently. Could you give us a spot on the spot?" The hostess said with a microphone.

There must be a process with Jiang Yin, so he nodded with homeopathy, and the theme song of their drama also sounded at the scene. Jiang Yin held the microphone and watched Su Ye slowly sing.

"Early morning light is full of your fingertips, thinking about the smile on your pear nest, I was shocked when I saw it at first, I only wish time stopped ..."

The theme song was originally sung by Jiang Yin. At this time, the scene was also very good. Other hosts saw this scene with an intriguing expression. Even He Hua from below looked like a lively look. He should bring thanks. Postponed.

Jiang Yin's eyes were very focused, but Su Shi felt very uncomfortable. She kept staring at the audience without any emotion on her face.

When the accompaniment sounded down, several hosts drank, "Jiang Yin, have you thought of asking Su Shi to be a guest when the concert?"

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