Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 | Lust Over Love

A week before the wedding

Y/n's POV

"It looks great on you, my lady."  Miya says with a small smile, backing away a small distant to fully take in the white kimono suited on me.

The wedding was nearing, It felt like my wrist were tied together and mouth being held tight, I couldn't do nor say anything about this. Acting like it was fine was for my people's sake and mine.

Even though it has been days since the traumatic experience with Lord Zenin, his grip on my neck remained present til this very day, while the white kimono suited me like a glove, my facial expression was rather loose.

"Why the dejected look, my lady?" Akira asks, walking to my side as she brought her gentle hands on my left arm to rub it up and down as a sign of comfort.

I let out a sigh before replying, "I'm still not ready, to live the rest of my life with that man."

Akira looked at me, face as long as a fiddle. Miya on the other hand had walked back to us.

"We will be here for you, my lady." Miya suddenly says, I turned my head towards her and she gives me a soft smile.

"And we will never let him do anything to you." Akira adds, the three of us let out a chuckle.

"Much obliged." I say with still a smile on my face.

I wish moments like this could last for a lifetime, never would I ever expect myself to be in this kind of situation, it was awful to have my future taken away from me. It was rather ridiculous of me to envy the girls my age to run freely in there household, love the person whom there heart chose.

Sukuna's POV

"Have you ever loved someone, Sukuna?" Her soft voice asks me, I turned my head to the curious girl.

I was sitting on large rock not so far from her who had her feet in the warm river.

A question like that to a curse? I would have never predicted to have something ask me this and I'm thinking for a serious answer, it's surprising.

But my answer will always remain the same, true love deceptive.

"Love is a overused word." I say honestlyand it made the girl turn to me with a scowl on her face.

"It is not." She bites back.

I chuckle at her, now standing up from where I was sitting, I drag my feet over to her spot, taking a seat beside her by crossing my legs together she looks away from me with a huff.

"So you believe in love?" I ask in a joking way, of course someone like her believed in love, a stupid human would do.

Who even thinks of a curse falling in love? Or feel humanly feelings? A sick person would do, we were born to be the villain in every human's story, we were meant to destroy them be the reason of their suffering, and titles as the King of Curses I was here debating with a specific human.

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