Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 | A Wholesome Moment for The King of Curses

Y/n's POV

This was ridiculous, with a scowl on my face I went back inside our castle not caring if Naoya was even beside me since it was just the two of us, mother and the other's decided to have both of us walk around town and learn more about each other and I wanted to refuse so badly but I didn't have a voice to do so.

So as soon as I have arrived back at my residence I ignored Naoya and was about to rush back in my chamber when an arm wrapped around my wrist stopped me making me turn my body around.

"Leaving me so soon?" Naoya asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that I badly wanted to get rid of.

I instantly get my wrist off of him and straighten my posture in front of him, "I still have things to do, my lord."

I looked around trying to find somebody to use for an excuse but sadly we were both alone in the hallway. Naoya gives me a blank look.

"What things?" He asks once more but his tone had a specific ring to it.

It was bad for me to feel like I needed to see Sukuna and just hide behind him at this moment, Naoya scared me.

"I have to see a friend, so I really need to hurry, my lord." I say again and attempted to turn around and leave.

But I was stopped once again by Naoya grabbing my wrist, forcefully turning my body around and brought his hand up to my exposed neck.

I widened my eyes, hands trembling as the sensation of his hands gripping my neck tighten a little, color drained from my face when I look into his eyes and see nothing but darkness in them.

"M... My lord." I call out while my throat was basically squeezed together but not so hard.

The beat in my heart was getting faster by the second.

"I hate people lying to me, my lady," Naoya says calmly as if his hand wasn't on my throat and was threatening to tighten until I couldn't have access for air, "So tell me, are you lying to me?"

I immediately shook my head as a no, my hands were both on his wrist trying to peal it away from me but I wasn't strong enough to do.

"I promise I'm not, my lord." I was surprised I could even keep a straight sentence together, my lips were parted and was eagerly gasping for air.

"You better be, let me help you keep this in mind, I'm Naoya Zenin and I can take you away from life faster than any curse can." He warns before letting go of my neck making me gasp for the air in an instant while smoothing the sensation on my neck with my hands.

"Now get out of my sight." He orders and I cough once more before turning around immediately and now dragging my feet to leave.

He was a monster.


"Come in." My mother announces from the other side of the door.

Her lady's opened it and I went inside, the feeling of the Zenin man's grip on my neck still present to my feeling and it made the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

I see my mother reading papers as usual, "Mother, can I please talk to you?"

She looks up from me after noticing the eager tone in my voice, getting my point that I wanted to talk private she sent a look to her lady's that they can go out for now and when they did I immediately walked near my mother, with tears tempting to fall from my eyes.

"Mother, I can't marry that man." I say in a more hushed voice but I was sure my mother can feel the desperation in it.

She frowns at my way, "You're saying none sense daughter, I can't possibly have you do that."

"But mother he had brought his filthy hands to seize my throat," I say once more, "Mother please I'll marry anyone but him."

My mother looks at me with widened eyes and she suddenly stand up from her seat and slams both of her hands on her table making me flinch, "You do not call Lord Zenin filthy, you hear me? Somebody could hear you, I do not respect such irresponsible behavior in my office, out now!"

I looked at my mother in horror, it was as if she was the monster in this. How can she ever refuse me, her own flesh of a daughter was hurt and she throws me out?

"But mother, I beg you." I say, tears forming in my eyes. I was this close to going on my knees and beg to married to anyone but that man.

But to my dismay, my mother only looked at me with her eyes that I knew to well what it said, she was disappointed.

"The wedding is next week, I cannot call it off just because of you being emotional." She replies.

"Out. Now." She made every word clear and I didn't have any choice but to retreat out of her office with so little of energy.

I was doomed.


"I'm done for, Sukuna." I say, tears streaming down my face as I sat in front of Sukuna, "Any other women will think of it as a curse to be married to him."

Sukuna for once had looked at me as if he was really listening, I didn't care how bad I looked right now of crying in front of him because I was just so tired of everything.

The dream I had when I was a little girl was far ahead of me, a happy family, loving husband, and joyful kids, it was all taken away from me.

I hear Sukuna sigh but I still didn't take my gaze which was on the green grass beneath me, I didn't realize it until I felt Sukuna's presence in front of me.

"Raise your head." Sukuna calmly says, I sniff back a sob before slowly looking up.

Sukuna was standing up in front of me, expression was unreadable, I was surprised when he suddenly offers his hand to me, and I took it, the tears immediately drying.

Sukuna stands me up from my spot, hand still in his and he starts to walk, guiding me to somewhere with my hand nuzzling against his calloused once, I can't help but to look at him as we walk our way to wherever he was taking me to.

It felt about a minute when I realized we have been quite far away from our usual spot, but I stopped thinking when I hear the sound of water running getting louder and louder as we approach a spot.

I furrowed my eyebrows together when a lake with a small waterfall came in our sight, the scene took my breathe away as I look at it in awe.

"This scene makes someone feel at east even with a cur— person like me." He says, arms crossed in front of him as he looks at me.

My chest area felt warm, the feeling I was feeling felt so comfortable, it was as if I was finally in a place to call home.

I looked over to Sukuna, taking in how soft he looked for a moment since it was unusual to see him so.

"Thank you." I say with a small smile.

He nods in response before looking away, "Now stop crying your eyes out, you look pathetic when you do."

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