Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 | Wrath

A/n: Quite nervous to post this.

Outside the Zenin Palace

Asami's POV

The loud chatter of people filled the whole town, it was a busy street with people going back and fourth here and there. I was trying my best to compose myself and just squeeze my way through the sea of people, my lady's and a few samurai's following my trail.

I thought about going out today, craving for something that can satisfy my mouth, not sour and bitter, I craved for something: sweet.

People had made way as soon as they realized who I was and I raised my chin confidently knowing no one dared to step right in front of me because I was carrying the heir of Lord Naoya Zenin.

While I waited for my father's news about the plan to sabotage lady Zenin's life, I can't wait, I was so happy— but I can't help but wonder, was I really doing the right thing? I always overthink it whenever I'm going to bed, I touch my belly, staring right into my ceiling.

I should be happy, I could finally be with Naoya, the man I always wished to be side by side with, but— Why wasn't I so happy as I thought I was going to be.

Wanted to get these thoughts away fro my mind I tried to just freshen my thoughts, after my lady's suggested to buy some sweet stuff for me that I craved, I wanted nothing of what they bought, yes they were indeed sweet, but no flavors can satisfy my mouth so I wanted to find some myself.

I watch, my head turning side to side to spot any stands that sells any sweet stuff, and I did, my eyes caught a small stand between two big buildings, the signs above the stand read.

'Milk Dango!"

I frowned, confused, what kind of monstrosity is this? Dango, with milk? How absurd.

With curious feet I walk my way over to it, my presence had frightened the lady who was standing behind the stand.

"What's this 'Milk Dango' of yours?" I ask with full of demand in my voice and the lady widens her eyes slightly.

"S—Sorry my lady but I'm actually not the owner." The lady says with a nervous smile and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Well? What are you doing here then? Get lost." I say before ushering for her to get going, but before she can even protest she was interrupted.

"I'll handle this, Shio-san." A male voice had interrupted the lady and I raised my eyebrow once more before an unfamiliar male appears, the lady now moves aside before giving me one last polite smile.

I watch as the guy who had chocolate brown hair, his eyes were blue like the ocean, his eyes held innocence but playfulness at the same time, it wasn't anything near Naoya's lifeless ones, he looks so lively, and out going.

My heart somewhat did a little thing that I couldn't understand what it had done.

"Lady Tachibana, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He greets with a charming smile and I was caught off guard as I tried to keep my cold demeanor.

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