7. A Kiss By Moonlight

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"Hey, look who's back!"

Kagome whipped around at Shippo's exclamation and gasped.

A familiar demon lord and red-haired woman strode down the dirt road toward them.

She felt a wave of relief. Inutaisho had rescued Layla after all! After a few days, Kagome was beginning to wonder if they should go after him to help. At least they were alive and in one piece.

As they drew closer, she noticed the blood spattered on the demon lord's white clothing. Okay, so maybe things didn't go so smoothly.

Biting her lip, worriedly, Kagome's gaze shifted to her yellow backpack. She was running low on first aid supplies so if Inutaisho and Layla were injured she'd have to make a quick trip through the well.

An idea sparked in her mind. Actually, going home might be a good idea. Inuyasha would be mad because she'd only returned the previous day but she'd just use a sit command on him if he got too out of hand.

The rest of the group gathered to greet their missing friends, happy to see them safe and mostly in one piece.

With a mutinous expression, Inuyasha tucked his hands into the sleeves of his robes. "Looks like you managed it after all, old man." He said, when the pair finally reached them.

Kagome's gaze fell on the demon lord's hand holding Layla's in a firm grip. She felt a rush of giddiness. Could it be....did they make a connection?

Rescues were great for romance!

From the speculative looks Layla kept shooting Inutaisho she was almost positive something had happened between them. Kagome clasped her hands to her chest. So exciting! 

A noble demon like Inutaisho deserved a happy ending after things ended so tragically with Inuyasha's mother.

Inutaisho helped Layla to a bench outside Kaede's hut. His hand lingered for a moment before releasing hers. The woman peeled off her sandals and grimaced at her bandaged feet. The bandages were dirty from travel. 

Inutaisho offered her the basket he carried, withdrawing jars of salve and fresh bandages. "Are you sure you do not require assistance?"

Layla's gaze was warm as she looked up at him. "I can handle it but thank you for offering."

The corner of the demon lord's mouth lifted slightly. "Of course, milady."

Inuyasha lunged forward, vibrating with impatience. "Well?"

Inutaisho raised a brow at his son's impudence. "What of the jewel shards?"

The question shut Inuyasha up.

Kagome slapped a hand to her forehead. Inuyasha could be so dense sometimes. Talk about not reading the situation! Inutaisho and Layla were obviously into each other.

Silencing his son effectively, Inutaisho turned back to Layla, taking her slender hand again. "I will get you some water from the river so you may clean your wounds."

His fingers were warm and callused. Her skin tingled from his touch as he swiped a thumb subconsciously over her palm. 

Inutaisho's raw masculinity could be a touch overpowering at times. Part of her was relieved to have Kagome and her friends to act as a buffer between them when she wasn't sure how to handle the blossoming attraction growing between Inutaisho and her. 

Conscious of everyone staring at them, Layla extracted her hand from Inutaisho's. He'd insisted they hold hands the rest of their journey to dissuade any bandits or the like from bothering her. Wanting to touch him, despite the many reasons she shouldn't, she'd given in.

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