33. The Unfairness Of Life

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Hearts heavy Layla and Toga packed up their honeymoon suite and moved back into the village wanting to be close to their friends. The ground where the Bone Eater's Well used to be, was barren as if the well had never even existed.

Layla threw herself into helping the villagers repair the damage Spider Naraku caused. She pitched in wherever she could, not allowing herself time to think about Kagome and Inuyasha and what they might be enduring.

Toga worried enough for the both of them. Her husband faced the real possibility of losing a son. Losing a child is said to be the worst thing a parent could ever experience.

Layla did what she could to offer Toga support. Making sure he ate, sitting beside him late into the night while he gazed up at the stars. Demons did not require food as often as humans, but Toga ate what she brought him anyway.

She was still angry at him for being overprotective during the battle with Naraku, even knowing that their lives were tied together and if she died so did, he.

Progressive in some areas, Toga seemed unable to shed his Feudal mindset of protecting her. He tried to respect Layla's views and she loved him for it, but he continued to treat her as someone to be wrapped in cottonwool and locked away in a tower.

Layla knew this was destined to become a long-term argument in their marriage.

However, her anger paled in comparison to the unknown fate of Kagome and Inuyasha. Toga needed her so she was there for him. The rest could wait.

As simple as that.

"Raise it higher!" One of the village men ordered. They had asked Layla, who was taller than most of the men in the village, to help with building repair.

This isn't how she imagined spending her honeymoon, but nothing had gone according to plan.

She tilted the board at the correct angle, raising it several inches. Layla knew little about construction. Thankfully, all she had to do is hold boards while they were nailed into place. The vibrations of the hammer jolted down her arms and shoulders.

A figure in white stared at her from across the road. Sesshomaru continued to linger around the village for some reason. Layla did not mind. She liked having Rin around. The little girl was a bright spot in her days.

To her surprise the demon lord crossed the road and headed in her direction. Her arms tensed and a villager yelled at her to hold still. Layla regarded Sesshomaru warily. "Can I help you?"

He arched a brow at her, taking in her disheveled state with disapproval. "What are you doing?"

"Does it matter?" She shot back, sliding free from beneath the board once it was hammered in place.


"I don't understand you." Layla said when the silence stretched on too long.

"Whether you do or not is irrelevant." He said haughtily, flicking a strand of white hair over his shoulder.

Sesshomaru was actually conversing with her! Layla might faint from the shock. "Do you need something?"

"The priestess says Rin should remain here in the village to live among humans." He replied.

She heaved a sigh, not bothering to hide her exasperation with her son-in-law. The gears in her mind ground to a halt as the enormity of it hit her like a sledgehammer. Holy crap! Sesshomaru is my son by marriage! I'm his stepmother! And Inuyasha's! A shiver raced down Layla's spine and her thoughts continued to spiral. I don't know why it took me this long to realize it. This arrogant ass is now part of my family!

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