Uncle Liam

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Layla's shady faerie uncle comes for a visit and she realizes something unexpected about him. Something that shocks her to her very core.

Liam waltzed across the living room, pivoting like a dancer to face his unenthusiastic audience. He swept his arms wide. "It does my heart good to see the family altogether." He wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye and sniffed. "Just absolutely lovely."

Layla watched her uncle with growing suspicion. Liam was always theatrical but even this was a bit much for him. "Right. The gang's all here. Is this the part where you tell me its time to uphold my bargain and learn my magic."

Liam held up a finger. "My dear niece, always so hot-headed and impatient. In some ways you remind me of Kieran."

Great. Layla always wanted to be compared to a deranged psycho with a penchant for burning things.

Ailbhe flinched at the mention her ex. Grams squeezed her shoulder comfortingly and glared at Liam. "That was unkind."

"So, sorry." Liam draped himself in a wing backed chair, stretching his long legs out in front of him. "Fiona, you know I am faerie. Cruelty and kindness go hand in hand."

"That's just as excuse." Toga rumbled, a growl hugging his deep voice. "Curb your mercurial impulses or I'll toss you out on your ass."

Ailbhe bounced Sakura in her lap, keeping her eyes averted. The older woman could not look at the faerie without being reminded of her psycho ex-husband.

Layla cleared her throat awkwardly. "I'll fetch the iced tea and cookies." Anything to escape the crackling tension in the living room.

Damn it. Liam steamrolled his way in and ruined what promised to be a nice visit. The summer weather was surprisingly lovely and rain-free for once. Layla, Toga, Ailbhe, and Grams had intended to go for a walk, but their plans were ruined now that Liam had wormed his way in.

Layla used a spatula to transfer freshly baked chocolate cookies from a cooling rack to a plate. Toga came in and pulled the pitcher from fridge. "Your uncle is up to something."

Loading a tray with tea glasses, Layla glanced at him over her shoulder. "He's always up to something."

"I know." He slid his fingers through the end of her ponytail, his brows crinkled. "Liam is as sly as a fox demon. I worry allowing him unfettered access to you and Sakura."

"Which is why you should be out there with Sakura. Faeries are notorious for kidnapping humans." I explained.

"I'm highly familiar with their tactics after Liam abducted you." Toga said darkly then returned to the living room to guard their family.

Shaking her head, Layla followed him with the tea and cookies. Liam sat on the edge of the couch using his magic to entertain Sakura by creating colorful light butterflies.

Sakura squealed in excitement and clapped her hands.

The faerie wore an unusually gently expression as he altered the butterflies to flowers that slowly bloomed. It was then she noticed a strange symmetry to his features.

The tray slipped from her hands. The pitcher and tea glasses shattered on the floor. Layla barely noticed the mess, her gaze darting back and forth between Liam and Grams. Black spots danced in front of her eyes. She had to grip the back of the couch for support.

"Layla, what's wrong? You look awfully pale." Grams said concerned.

"Um.... can we talk in the other room in private?" Layla's voice sounded a long way off. "I..." She pressed her palm against her forehead. "I...need to sit down. I'm going ...to ...faint."

Alarmed, Toga swept her into his arms and deposited her on the couch. "Put your head between your knees and breathe slowly." He advised, rubbing her back with gentle circles.

Layla followed his instructions, taking slow breaths until her head cleared. She rose slowly. "Grams, we really need to talk." Her voice trembled.

"Alright, Layla-Bug. Why don't we go into the bedroom so you can sit down?" Grams held onto Layla's elbow, her grip strong for a woman of her age.

Layla slouched on the edge of the bed. "Grams...I'm going to ask you a question and I want the truth, alright?"

"Of course, darling." Grams appeared confused. "Ask me anything you want."

"I know you said mom was conceived in an orgy." Layla swallowed around a golf-ball sized lump in her throat. "Was this perhaps a faerie orgy?"

Grams clutched her right arm, the bangles on her skinny wrist jangling. "There were faeries among the humans in the orgy I attended." She tilted her head back, gazing at the ceiling. "With Liam hanging around so much I wondered if you'd notice the resemblance."

"So, your saying, Liam, my Uncle Liam is also Mom's dad?" Layla choked out.


"That means Uncle Liam is also my grandpa." Layla said slowly, parsing things out. Her emotions threatened to explode. Then an even worse thought occurred. "It also means when mom married Kieran she married her Uncle."


"Gah! Kieran's my Uncle Daddy!" Layla dragged her hands down her face. "We're like real life Targaryens."

Grams looked guilty. "I'm sorry."

"I don't even know where to begin." Layla was at a loss. She stood up and began pacing. "Does mom know?"

"No. I ask that you don't tell her. Kieran almost destroyed her. Telling her the truth about her parentage will guarantee he succeeded."

Keeping the truth, a secret didn't sit well with Layla regardless of what Grams said. This was too big a secret to hide under the sheets. "I think you should tell, mom the truth. Learning about Liam will be hard but in the long run hiding the truth will only make things worse."

"Layla-Bug, I know your heart is in the right place. However, this time you are wrong."

Layla raised her hands in surrender. "I'm not going to argue about this. Even though I think you're making a mistake Mom is your daughter. Its not my place to tell her about Liam. There is one thing I don't understand. If mom's half-faerie how come she hasn't shown any magical powers?"

"Not all half-bloods manifest. Ailbhe is one who's faerie nature never woke." Grams explained. "I'm not even certain Liam is aware she is his daughter."

"Fantastic." Layla muttered.

The two women exited the bedroom. Layla made a beeline for Toga wrapping her arms around his waist. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling his spicy masculine scent. "Toga, I need a vacation."

"Uh, what?" He sputtered, thrown by the random topic of conversation.

Shaking her head, Layla snuggled against his side. "I'll explain things later."

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