8. Settling The Score

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Kagome crammed the final item of clothing into the suitcase with a faint sense of accomplishment. Swiping a hand across her forehead, she gazed around the living room of Layla's apartment to make sure she didn't miss anything. Dr. Callahan did not have much in the way of possessions. Understandable as her appointment at Tokyo University was only a year long term.

Kagome believed they'd pretty much cleared out the apartment except for the furniture and appliances that belonged to the landlord.

But that was another problem. The landlord had regarded Layla's note with open suspicion, reluctant to grant them entry into her apartment. Kagome eventually persuaded him they were friends of Dr. Callahan, and the landlord gave her the key. The best thing to do is to get out of here as quickly as possible before the landlord contacted the police.

Standing with his arms crossed Inuyasha directed a mutinous glare at the mountain of luggage. "I ain't carryin' all that!"

Hands balled into fists; Kagome rounded on him. "If you want steak, you will!"


In her stockings, Kagome crossed over to the large bay window overlooking the urban skyline, the setting sun a half-disk on the horizon. "Wow, this is a great view! I guess working for the university has its perks."

The university had furnished the apartment for Dr. Callahan, which eluded to her importance in the historical field. Few professors were honored in such a way.

Placing her hands on her hips, Kagome inhaled deeply. "Well, we'd better get going. Mom's waiting in the car outside."

With the amount of luggage, Kagome had convinced her mom to bring the car. No way she could haul all this stuff back even with Inuyasha's help!

Sniffing the air, Inuyasha tensed, eyes going wide. "Kagome!" Lunging, he tackled her out of the way as the apartment door exploded inward.

Fragments of wood rained down on them as a pair of stunningly beautiful men entered, long golden hair shimmering vibrantly down their backs. They wore vibrant blue and green silks heavily embroidered with silver and gold, gems woven into tiny braids throughout their hair.

"What is this?" The first demanded in outrage.

The second man studied Kagome and Inuyasha, amusement dancing in his leaf green eyes. "Mortals, Killian, but not ordinary mortals I think."

Killian's pale skin began to glow as fury swirled in his blue eyes. "We were assured she was here!"

The second man glided forward serenely and extended a hand to help Kagome up. She shrank back against Inuyasha. He chuckled. "Fear not, strange mortals. We do not hold a grudge against you. Where is the woman who lives here?"

"She's not here." Kagome replied, fear rippling up and down her spine. Whatever these beings were, they shone with power.

"I see." Killian shared a pointed look with his companion. "Then we shall return at a later date."

Kagome bit her lip, not relaxing until the pair glided from the apartment, taking their ethereal glow with them.

Inuyasha padded after them, stopping in the hall, his gaze shifted to the left. "Who the hell were those guys?"

"I-I have no idea. Do you think this has something to do with the jewel?"

"Doesn't it always?" He retorted, hauling one of the bags to his shoulder. "Let's get outta here before they change their mind and come back."

Kagome agreed. Those men, whoever they were, gave off some scary powerful energy.

It took three trips down to the car to get everything. Kagome glanced at the shattered door with dismay. How was she going to explain this to the landlord? He already distrusted them.

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