17. Wounded Warrior

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"My cousin Asahi is a legendary warrior. Five hundred years ago he was badly injured in my service. Now, he cares for the library." Toga murmured quietly, ushering Layla down a darkened corridor. "His appearance will be...startling. It is best if you do not show any reaction. To do so will injure his pride."

"I won't. War heroes deserve respect." Layla assured him, swinging their joined hands back and forth between them. "What else can you tell me about him?"

"Asahi was once a consummate seducer and a talented poet. Women threw themselves at his feet and yearned for his attention." He added in a wry tone.

Layla arched a brow. "Sounds like someone else I know."

Toga shook his head. "I have never been so bold as he."

He wasn't exactly shy either. Layla thought with a surge of fondness, rubbing a thumb lightly across his warm palm. "I'll keep all this in mind."

Asahi would not be the first playboy to cross her path. College boys were hornier than rabbits and would screw almost anything. One of the downsides of being a female professor were the catcalls and leers from the male students whenever she entered a room.

Layla was less concerned with Asahi's flirting habits than if he could shed some light on her predicament. "Do you think he will help me?"

"We have not spoken since I returned." Toga admitted.

That didn't sound promising.

Now Layla was nervous. Before going into the library, she rearranged her face into a neutral mask. As it turned out she was grateful for Toga's warning.

Asahi's appearance was startling, though not as gruesome as the picture first formed in her mind. Half of his face was beautiful and unblemished with bright red stripes on his cheek. The other half was a crosshatch of scars and burns. He was missing an eye and he walked with a pronounced limp but otherwise seemed mobile. His long white hair was gathered in a single thick braid down his back. "Toga, I wondered when you would make an appearance."

This was the first time Layla heard anyone refer to the demon lord by his name. She wasn't sure if it was a good sign or not.

"How are you, Asahi?" Toga inquired hesitantly, tension radiating down his arm as he clutched Layla's hand harder.

"I'm right where you left me when you ran off to rescue your mortal lover and got killed in the process." The other demon swept his arms wide to encompass the library, gold eye cold.

Toga glanced down; pain etched in the stern lines of his handsome face. "That is in the past, cousin."

The mention of Toga's deceased girlfriend made Layla's stomach churn uneasily. She dropped his hand, curling her fingers into her palm. "I hate to interrupt but we came here for a reason, my lord."

Asahi transferred his glower to Layla. "Another mortal, how quaint."

Undeterred by his surly attitude, Layla pressed on. Being direct with this demon seemed the best course of action. "My name is Layla. I am from the future. I traveled through the Bone Eater's Well to this time. Now, I'm stuck." She inhaled sharply and continued. "I am seeking any document which might give me a hint as to how I came to be here."

When she finished some of the coldness disappeared, replaced by a light of curiosity. "I see. That is indeed an interesting quandary."

Layla folded her arms across her chest and lifted her chin. "Will you help me or not?"

Surprise flashed in Asahi's eye. "You are bold." He remarked without rancor.

"I'm simply low on patience this afternoon. I'd murder someone for a cup of coffee. I haven't had one in weeks." She joked.

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