To Be Read Pile

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Ever wonder what a character in a book might read? This idea came to me while thinking about my own TBR pile. In this one-shot I have included a reading list for some of our favorite characters.

It was a cold, rainy, Fall day. Perfect weather for reading indoors in front of a cozy fire.

In the kitchen, Toga scribbled a library list on a legal pad. With all the entertainment possibilities available today reading seemed old-fashioned. Thankfully, he had never cared for following trends.

Layla carried two cups of steaming tea to the table and peered over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

"Making a list of books to get from the library." He replied.

Bending forward, Layla pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Sounds like a plan. Summer break starts tomorrow at the university. I've been looking forward to spending more time with you and Sakura." She tugged at his paper. "Mind if I take a look?"

"Sure. I'm trying to read more modern Western books." Toga handed her the list.

Toga's Booklist

1.Cujo-Stephen King

2. The Hobbit-J.R.R. Tolkien

3. Game of Thrones-George R.R. Martin

4. The Iliad-Homer

A smile threatened to stretch Layla's lips. Toga's idea of 'modern' was different from hers. She supposed to someone as old as him, The Iliad would seem modern. He was so cute.

Layla reached for Toga's pen. "May I?"

Toga nodded and waited while she made changes to the list. He respected her opinion. His wife was more familiar with modern literature than her.

Toga's Booklist

1.Cujo-Stephen King

2.The Hobbit-J.R.R. Tolkien

2.Game of Thrones-George R.R. Martin

4.The Iliad-Homer

4.A Thousand Ships-Natalie Haynes

Layla finished her alterations and presented him the new list with a flourish. "There you go."

Toga studied the new addition. "What is the last one about?"

"It's a retelling of The Iliad from the perspective of the female characters. It is written as a commentary to women whose roles are so often neglected in stories about the Trojan War. Technically its fiction, but its required reading for my Ancient Mediterranean Wars course."

"Hmm." Toga had to admit it sounded interesting.

Layla poked his forearm. "Now, drink your tea before it gets cold."

Sipping the Earl Grey in her own cup, she pulled the legal pad to her side of the table. Toga held her other hand while she made her own library list, stroking her palm lazily while gazing into the distance.

Layla and Toga did not get many peaceful moments together with a seven-month-old in the house. The couple had learned to seize whatever opportunity came their way. Sakura was down for an afternoon nap. There's no telling when's she'd wake up.

Layla's Booklist

1.Spinning Silver-Naomi Novik

2.Daughter Of The Moon Goddess-Sue Lynn Tan

3. Murder, She Barked-Krista Davis

4.Ariadne-Jennifer Saint

Sakura's high-pitched wail shattered the relaxing atmosphere. Layla's hand jerked across the page drawing an ugly squiggle. "Looks like our little one is up."

Toga sniffed the air and set his cup in its saucer. "She needs a diaper change. I'm on it."

"Sounds good to me." One of Layla's least favorite parts about motherhood was diaper duty. She often left that up to Toga because he didn't mind.

Layla washed their cups and saucers in the sink and placed them in the drying rack. Her phone buzzed with a text alert. It was Grams checking in.

'How are you doing, Layla-Bug?'

'Fine. I'm making a list for the library.'

Her phone buzzed with an immediate response. 'Ooh, let me share some of my favorites.'

Grams' Booklist

1. The Kamasutra-Vatsyayana

2.Fifty Shades Of Grey-E.L. James

3.Protect Your Queen-Penelope Sky

Layla shook her head at her Grams' idea of good reading. None of the suggestions surprised her. 'Thanks, for the ideas.'

The next text wiped her smile away.

'Ailbhe wants to come for a visit.'

The single line of text left Layla with mixed emotions about how to respond. Her mom had sent a few gifts for Sakura after her birth but had not traveled to Dublin to see her new granddaughter or Layla. Months had passed since Layla gave birth.

Ailbhe begged off because of work but there was more to it.

Layla had a decision to make. Did she continue to let the distance between her and Ailbhe grow? What impact would that have on Sakura? She had to put her daughter first. Sakura already picked up the tension between her and Sesshomaru every time he came to visit her.

Could she deprive Sakura of knowing her grandmother? It was hardly mature to involve Sakura in the problems she had with her mother.

Maybe it was time to Layla sat her mom down and hashed things out. Not only for herself but also for Sakura.

'How about next weekend?'

A/N: Below I have included a bonus book list.

Sesshomaru's Book List

1.The Art Of War-Sun Tzu

2.A Midsummer's Night Dream-William Shakespeare

3.The Collected Poems-Chika Sagawa

4.The Celtic Twilight: Faerie and Folklore-William Butler Yeats

Accidental Time Traveler-InutaishoxOCWhere stories live. Discover now