10. A Well-Deserved Break?

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As the days passed Layla struggled to adjust to the demands of traveling Feudal-style. Walking everywhere on foot made her grateful for modern transportation. Kagome zoomed by on her bicycle to catch up with Inuyasha, arrows rattling in the quiver strapped to her back.

For the first time, Layla experienced bike envy. She coined the phrase as her aching feet protested taking another step. She slowed and bent down to rub a cramping muscle in her left calve. "Can we take a break, please?"

She hated to ask after she insisted on traveling with the group to begin with. Especially after the concerns Inutaisho shared about her safety. Complaining was bad form but if she took one more step her legs would fall off.

Predictably, Inuyasha threw a fit, flapping the sleeves of his bright red kimono like an agitated parrot. "We've wasted enough time already waiting for you to wake up!"

Layla looked down at her feet guiltily. "I already apologized for sleeping in."

"I don't care! Naraku is out there and we ain't gonna find him by sittin' around all the time!" The half-demon shouted back at her angrily. "If you can't keep up then you should just go back to the village!"

"Inuyasha, sit!" Kagome shouted, putting an end to the argument.

The half-demon slammed into the ground with enough force a crater formed around his body. Ouch. If he were fully human, Inuyasha would have broken about a dozen bones. "Damn, Kagome." He muttered.


Inuyasha's limp body slammed into the earth again, sending up a cloud of dust. 

"What an idiot." Shippo muttered from his perch on Miroku's shoulder. 

The monk nodded sagely. "Indeed."

 The 'sit' commands must be a common enough occurrence because the others reacted to Inuyasha's sprawled form with indifference. Layla felt a fleeting trickle of pity for the half-demon yet at the same time thought of a dozen men she'd like to wield the same power on.

Rubbing her leg, she limped over to Kagome and lowered her voice. "Is this something you can teach me?"

Kagome giggled nervously at Layla's question. "No, sorry. It only works if you have spiritual powers."

"That's a shame." She murmured, for once regretting her lack of special powers. 

"I think I spot a teahouse ahead. We have earned a break from our travels." Miroku said pleasantly, skirting Inuyasha's body. 

Kilala, the adorable demon cat, trotted over to Layla and transformed into a predator the size of a horse. She must be getting used to the strangeness of the Feudal Era. She regarded the cat's sudden transformation without batting an eye. 

"Wow, you're amazing, Kilala!" Scratching the giant cat behind her ears, she grinned.

 "Layla, Kilala can transport you for a while since you're tired." Sango offered, leaning on her giant boomerang weapon. The Hiraikotsu. 

"Thank you." Layla mounted Kilala's back, gripping a thick tuft of cream-colored hair at the base of the giant cat's neck. "I appreciate it."

Inuyasha pried his face free of the dirt. "Is this any way to treat your friend?" He shouted after their retreating group.

Layla ducked her head to hide a smile, feeling vindicated. The kid needed to learn some tact otherwise he'd spend a lot of time flat on his face.

Inutaisho pried his son out of the ground and set him on his feet. He suppressed a chuckle believing it would not be appropriate as his father to take humor in Inuyasha's misfortune.

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