Sakura's First Word

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Toga's there to witness the pivotal moment but it's not at all what he expected.


Toga's ears pricked at the unfamiliar voice. He turned around to Sakura smearing her baby food on the tray attached to her highchair. No one else was in the kitchen which led him to one conclusion. He sped over to his daughter, vibrating with excitement. "Say that again, darling!"

Sakura scrunched up her nose in thought but appeared to understand her father. "Sessh."

"No, Papa." He pointed to himself.


Torn between pride and disappointment Toga tried again. "Papa."

A glop of pureed peas plopped onto the tablecloth. "Sessh."

Toga hung his head. He cared for his daughter all day long and often in the night. He spent more time with her than any father probably ever had with his child. When she spoke her first word, he'd hoped it'd be 'Papa' or 'Mommy'. Not the name of Sakura's big brother.

Toga could picture Sesshomaru's smug expression when he learned Sakura's first word was his name. Male pride badly bruised, Toga called his wife to share in the good news. "How are doing today, beloved?"

"I can't complain. I'm on my way to my next class."

A note of disappointment crept into Toga's voice. "Sakura spoke her first word just now."

"Really? What was it?" Layla's shrill excitement blasted his ear drums.

Wincing, Toga pulled the phone away from his ear. "A word of warning, darling. You may be disappointed."

A door banged open in the background quickly followed by Layla's firm footsteps up a set of stairs. "Disappointed? Why? This is a pivotal moment in our daughter's life. Now, quit with the suspense and tell me already, Toga!"

Toga inhaled deeply, bracing for his wife's reaction. "Sakura's first word was 'Sessh.'"

"What?" Layla screeched. "Sessh?"

"Sessh." Sakura interjected waving a green hand at Toga. "Sessh."

Toga wiped up the tray with a wet dish cloth. Sakura reached out and smeared puree on his sleeve. "Yes, Sakura tried to say Sesshomaru's name." He said to Layla. "She can't quite manage the whole thing yet."

"Well, it is a mouthful." Layla replied flatly, then moaned. "Why did it have to be his name? There are billions of words and that's the one she chooses."

Toga said nothing, aware of the animosity between his wife and son. He bridged the gap between them the best he could. Both Layla and Sesshomaru were incredibly stubborn. In Toga's view, the reason they did not get along is because they were a lot alike.

"What was your first word?" Toga asked.

"Hmm, I think Grams said it was 'no'."

Toga chuckled. 'No' is exactly the word he'd picture Layla saying if he considered it. "You know, I can picture that clearly."

"What?" She sounded offended.


His beautiful, hot-headed darling. Toga folded the dirty dishtowel on the counter. When Layla made up her mind about something she was intractable. "Would you like to hear Sakura speak?"

"Of course." Layla said softly, her voice full of love.

Toga held up the phone to Sakura. "Say hello to Mommy."


Layla gasped in awe. "Sakura, its Mommy say it again!"

"Sessh!" Sakura said louder.

"Word choice aside, that is the most beautiful sound in the world." Layla sniffed, clearly holding back tears. "Thank you for calling me Toga. I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

"I know what you mean." Toga leaned against the counter watching Sakura finish her impromptu art session. "Sakura is growing so fast. If we blink, we might miss it."

"I know! To celebrate I'll pick up a bottle of good champagne after work." Layla declared brightly. "It's Friday and we deserve a treat."

After Layla hung up Toga opened the recording app on his phone and recorded a video of Sakura saying 'Sessh'. He immediately sent it to Layla.

In return, Toga received a string of heart eyed emojis and kissy face emojis.

A smile stretched across his lips. Moments like this made Toga realize how happy he was with his family. How blessed he was to have Layla and Sakura in his life.

Toga lifted Sakura from the highchair with a groan. "Now, it's time for a bath, young lady. You've made quite a mess of yourself."

She nuzzled her face against Toga's shoulder. "Sessh."

Holding her bottom firmly, Toga snuggled Sakura closer, her tuft of hair tickling his chin. "I love you my little, pup."

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