35. Home

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The windows of the four-hundred colonial were dark when Layla's cab pulled up to the curb. It was after three in the morning, the dimly lit street was quiet. The streetlamp in front of the house flickered as she pushed open the wrought iron gate and strode up the brick-lined path to the porch.

Using the flashlight on her cell, Layla fished her keys out of her purse and slipped into the foyer. A sliver of light from the kitchen cut across the back hall. Layla tucked her suitcase against the wall and shed her coat, shoving her boots in the closet.

Grams sat at the kitchen table dressed in a nightgown and plush quilted robe, staring off into the distance. Her long white hair hung loosely down her back. The sweet scent of sugar and chocolate competed with percolating coffee.

Layla rapped gently on the doorframe to get her attention. "Grams, I'm home."

The older woman pushed away from the table and enveloped her in a fierce hug. "Layla Bug, welcome home." She pulled back and smiled. "I have cookies in the oven and cheesecake in the fridge. We have a lot to talk about."

"More than you know." Layla flashed her wedding ring and Grams' face fell.

"Layla..." She began but stopped when Layla shook her head.

"Bitter things go down better with something sweet." Layla pulled two coffee mugs out of the cupboard and filled them both to the brim.

Over cheesecake and coffee, Layla told her everything. Her marriage to Toga. The battle with Naraku. The Bone-Eater's Well dragging her back to the present. She was grateful Grams didn't interrupt. If she did, Layla might burst into tears unable to continue her story.

Grief haunted her every single minute of every day since her forced separation from Toga. They were soulmates and his absence was unbearable. Layla crumbled a warm gooey cookie over her slice of cheesecake, the indulgence a warm coal in her belly. "When the university fired me, I knew I had to come home."

"What are you going to do?" Grams asked quietly.

"I'll do what anyone else does when they get fired. Delete the job from my resume." Layla curled her hands around her mug. "I'll have an employment gap but it's better than the alternative."

Grams nodded. "It's the best solution." Her blue eyes brightened. "I just saw an ad in the paper for a library assistant. It will give something to do while you send out your resume to the colleges and universities."

"I do like to read." Layla sipped her coffee gazing longingly at the cookies cooling on the counter. "When do we have to leave for Dublin?"

"Friday. The funeral is on Monday."

Layla wrinkled her nose.

Grams sighed. "I know, I know, it's not a convenient time but the pastor will be on sabbatical for a month starting Tuesday. It's the best I can do."

"Have you gotten any sleep?"

There were dark circles under Grams' eyes. "A little." Her shoulders sagged. "I miss your pappy more than I thought I would. He was an old man who lived a very long life, but I find it doesn't matter how old you are, losing your parent is still difficult."

Layla reached across the table and held Grams' hand. "I'm sorry Grams."

Grams' smile wobbled. "I'm sorry too Layla. Losing your husband...I can't imagine how terrible you must feel."

A tear rolled down Layla's cheek. "Pretty damn awful."

Grams hugged her again. They sat in silence for a long time, two women united in their grief. By dawn there was nothing left of the cheesecake but crumbs.

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