Toga: Let's Roll!

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Drabble: Toga and Sakura go on an outing. He encounters an annoyance.

Toga fastened the straps of the Bjorn to his torso, adjusting how it fit around his chest. Sakura burbled happily on the changing table watching him with wide curious eyes. He reached down and stroked a knuckle down her downy cheek. "Ready to go out, little one?"

Sakura kicked her feet in agreement, reaching for him with a tiny fist.

Toga slid her into the baby sling and tucked a pacifier in her mouth. "We'll get some of that cheese your mom likes at the farmer's market." He perched a pair of sunglasses on his nose and exited the house. "Hmm...maybe I'll make some homemade pizza tonight."

It was a nice day for a walk. Toga waved at a man walking a golden retriever. The dog curled its lip and wrinkled its brow, sensing his demonic aura. Head down, the dog took a protective stance in front of its owner.

Rubbing a thumb over his lip he increased his pace to avoid upsetting the canine further.

The narrow lane was mostly devoid of traffic which Toga was grateful for. The mid-morning sun glimmered cheerfully above the trees. Sakura grew bored of watching her surroundings and kicked up a fuss.

Toga stepped off to the side of the road to soothe her. When she settled down, he continued until he reached the farmer's market. The market had just opened and the foot traffic relatively thin. Toga explored each stall leisurely. He bought a nice round of cheddar cheese and a jar of canned tomatoes.

Toga stopped to examine a hand-crafted basket, his sharp ears automatically picking up on the conversations around him. None of it was important.

"....isn't it cute the way that man is carrying his babe around?"

"I know! He comes every week, but I don't know his name."

"He's rather handsome. I wonder if he's available."

"You should go ask him out."

"I don't know, he's sort of intimidating."

In the end, Toga decided to not purchase a basket and stick with his canvas tote. He smiled apologetically at the vendor and moved on to the next table. "Hmm...Layla might like these handmade chocolates."

He bought a box of amaretto truffles. Toga tucked the chocolates in his shopping bag. He glanced up and sighed when a pair of women stepped into his path.

The blonde woman had unbuttoned several buttons on her sweater revealing a deep line of cleavage. Her friend fluffed her own brown hair and bit her lip, peering up at him hopefully with blue eyes.

Holding Sakura in place with a hand, Toga peered down his nose at him. "Excuse me. I need to get around you."

"We just wanted to tell you how cute your baby is. What's her name?" The blonde asked, stroking her cleavage seductively.

"It is not your business. I must be going." Toga said at the end of his patience with their farce. He moved around them.

"Hey, wait!"

Toga ignored them. Trollops. Strumpets. Camp followers. Anger bubbled in his chest at their blatant disregard of his wedding ring. People didn't respect marital boundaries anymore. He growled under his breath. To top it off, they had tried to use Sakura as a device to flirt!

Toga's heart belonged to Layla. He needed no other woman.


Layla dropped her purse and keys on the sideboard and stretched her arms over her head. "Its great to be home."

Toga walked into the entryway. "Welcome home, beloved." He dropped a firm kiss on her lips. "From your countenance I gather your day did not go well."

She kicked off her shoes. "A few international students were acting like toddlers. I had to kick them out of the class they were so disruptive."

"What did they do?" Toga ushered her into the dining room.

Layla threw her hands up into the air. "They kept taking selfies! Who the hell takes selfies in a lecture hall?"

"I had a rough moment myself." Toga told her about the women and her eyes narrowed. "I ignored their clumsy attempts to gain my attention."

Layla shrugged. "Normally, I'd be furious but I'm too tired."

Looping a loose arm around her waist, Toga pressed his lips to her forehead. "Come, I have made homemade pizza for dinner."

"Sounds good." Layla's stomach growled. "How's Sakura?"

"She had her bottle and is down for a rest."

Layla sat in the chair Toga pulled out for her. "I'll look in on her later."

After a mutually stressful day, the couple enjoyed a delicious meal and relaxed in each other's company.

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