26. House Of Her Father

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Layla entered the foyer of the manor, her bare feet slapping against the black veined marble floor. She turned around in a slow circle gazing around her.

Vaulted ceilings soared high above, decorated with a stunning forest mural. Arched entryways flanked by Corinthian pillars surrounded the foyer like silent sentinels. A double grand staircase split into two treads, curving in a half circle, a small fountain positioned between them. Potted plants were packed into every available space, creating a jungle like atmosphere.

Kieran observed her awed reaction with an inscrutable smile. "Welcome home, daughter."

Instead of responding to him, she reached the staircase, running her hand up and down the smooth polished oak rail. The tactile grain of the wood beneath her fingertips convinced Layla this wasn't a dream. She arranged her features into a blank mask before turning back to Kieran.

All she could do is play along with the faeries until an opportunity presented itself to escape. "I have a lot of questions."

Leaning against a pillar, Kieran crossed one booted foot over the other, clods of dirt tumbling free from his soles. "Understandable but we'll have to catch up later. I've been flying for hours on Draco and need to relax."

"And Toga?"

Kieran offered another inscrutable smile. "Will be my guest."

Layla narrowed her eyes at the vagueness of his statement. "Release him from the spell and let him come with me."

Shaking his head, Kieran chuckled slightly. "You are a single-minded woman." He paused and then continued. "Your pet will be given accommodations of his own. After we speak you may see him."

In other words, Toga was his hostage to ensure Layla's cooperation. She didn't trust Kieran, especially since he referred to her boyfriend as an animal. "What am I supposed to do until then?"

He snapped his fingers and a maid zoomed into the foyer. She had bark skin and lidless brown eyes; her head crowned by ivy instead of hair. "Escort Layla to her rooms and see that she has everything she needs."

The maid bobbed a respectful curtsy. "Yes, my lord." She waited at the foot of the left staircase for Layla.

Glaring at Kieran, Layla fought her instinct to go to Toga in the courtyard and followed the maid up to the second floor. She hugged herself, hoping she hadn't just condemned the demon lord to a terrible fate. Faeries were tricky with their words. During the entire walk to her rooms Layla analyzed everything Kieran and Liam said searching for any deceit. Of which she was sure there was plenty.

Barely paying attention to her surroundings, Layla passed through a sitting room and entered a well-appointed bedroom. A canopy bed stood at the center, the massive oak frame supporting an orgy-sized feather mattress.

Beneath the beveled glass window, sat a small writing desk with a pile of parchment, quill and inkwell. She pulled out the velvet upholster chair and sat, propping her elbows on the desk.

The maid hovered nearby, waiting for instructions. No doubt she would report everything Layla said or did to Kieran. A loyal little spy.

The maid braved Layla's stony silence and suggested timidly, "A bath and a change of clothing?"

Layla lifted the silver latch on the window above the desk and pushed it open, letting light spill in. "Fine."

They could truss her up like a doll and parade her around for their amusement, but she would never forgive them for the harm they had caused by abducting her or the terror they put Rin through.

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