9. On The Road Again

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After digging through her bags of belongings, Layla donned a green t-shirt and a pair of jeans, tucking her feet into a pair of hiking boots. She sighed with relief and wiggled her toes. Much better than straw sandals. The soles of her feet still throbbed from the blisters accrued during her travels with Inutaisho, though thankfully his salve had done much to speed up the healing process.

Placing her hands on her hips, Layla frowned. Her wayward suitor would soon depart with the others on their continuous hunt for Naraku and the jewel shards. She was not certain how she felt about being left behind once again, but acknowledged she had no place on the quest.

Part of her was fearful another raiding party would descend upon the village. Next time she might not be as lucky. The image of the dead village women flashed inside her head.

Inutaisho would not be around to save her a second time. Layla did not like being cast in the role of damsel or that it implied she was useless.

Layla bit her lip in indecision.

Shafts of early morning sunlight spilled in from the open window of Kaede's hut. The old priestess had already left to tend to her duties. Kaede had enough on her plate already. It seemed unfair to burden her with Layla as well.

Determination began to bubble in her gut and surge through her limbs. There were still many questions to be answered about her accidental fall through time. The answers would not be found here in the village as much as she was loathe to head into the wilderness. 

Layla returned her attention to her belongings again, a calm certainty taking hold. The others may not like her decision but going with them was the only solution she could see out of the rut she was trapped in.

She tossed toiletries, a couple paperbacks, some packaged food, and a few changes of clothes into a spare backpack Kagome had given her. On top of that went other essentials: tampons, toothpaste, and deodorant. 

Layla slipped her arms into her coat in case it rained on their journey, wishing she had included an umbrella on her list when Kagome went back to the future for supplies. 

Inutaisho, Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kilala were preparing to leave as she exited the hut. Layla jogged down the road to meet them.

Inutaisho held out a bouquet of yellow wildflowers as she approached. "Milady, I apologize for leaving in haste, but we must return to our travels."

"About that, I decided to come with you." Layla gripped the straps of her backpack and slipped them over her shoulders. "If I have any chance of finding a way home I need to search for answers elsewhere." She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his ear, lowering her voice. "Besides, how can you court me properly if I'm not with you?" She teased playfully. 

Gripping her by the shoulders, Inutaisho gently pushed her away. His bold brows were furrowed and her heart sank at his thunderous expression. "I must advise against this course of action. Naraku is a dangerous opponent. I would hate to see you harmed."

The air crackled with tension. Layla compressed her lips, withholding a rude comment. Inutaisho, the knight-in-shining armor. Always so righteous and certain he knew best.

Folding her arms across her chest, she dug in her heels. "I respect your opinion though my decision remains the same."

"As your suitor do I not have a say in your safety?" Inutaisho rumbled angrily. He opened his hand and the bouquet of flowers tumbled to the ground. "I am just trying to protect you!"

"From what I've experienced of this world so far, no place is safe. At least if I travel with your group the chances of me being abducted or killed will be drastically reduced." Layla reasoned stonily, her chin elevating in anger.

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