Toga's Gift

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This takes place shortly after the first deleted scene. Toga gives Layla a gift but it comes with some complications. 

Toga smiled at the bellboy who stood outside his hotel room door. A lock of red hair tumbled into the boy's eyes as he squinted at the label on the box he held. "Mr. Inutaisho? Your package has arrived."

Toga accepted the box, offering the boy a wad of cash. "Thank you, Larry."

"No, thank you, sir." Larry mumbled, staring down at the bills in his palm. He wandered down the hall dazed by the generous tip.

Shaking his head, Toga returned to the living room area. Layla glanced away from the TV. "Is everything alright?"

"I have something for you." He set the cardboard box in her lap.

"Toga, you don't have to get me gifts." She frowned. "I mean, I'm happy enough we're together again."

Toga sank down beside her on the sofa. "I know. I feel the same, but I want you to have this." He ripped off the tape and opened the flaps.

Inside the box were several bundles of letters. Layla stared at the piles in amazement. "What are these?"

"Letters I wrote during our separation. I know you're curious how I spent the last five hundred years. This should provide you with some insight." He said.

Layla picked through the piles of letters. The oldest were written on ancient rice paper. The newest on high-quality stationary.

She made a face. "Some of these are antiques! I should wear cotton gloves when handling them."

"I'm sure I can find a pair, if it will make you more comfortable." Toga said fondly, stroking her back.

Layla automatically leaned into his touch; her attention still fixed on the letters. "How many are there?"

"I wrote one letter per month since the Bone Eater's Well stole you."

Five-hundred years of letters. Layla marveled. If Toga wrote one letter a month that meant there had to be.... She did a quick tally then whipped her head around. "Toga, there are 6,000 letters here!"

He chuckled at her astonishment. "I missed you a great deal, darling. Writing letters provided me with time to exclusively devote to you. Layla, much has happened over the centuries. Joy, hardship, sorrow. Thanks to these letters I was able to endure it all."

Toga rarely spoke so openly about his feelings. Layla's vision swam. The sheer romance of it all moved her often difficult to understand emotions. She was just as bad expressing her feelings.

If their positions had been reversed, Layla doubted she would have been as patient or strong. Or had the wisdom to use letters as an outlet.

Breathing deeply, Layla blinked back tears. Embarrassment swelled in her breast. She waved a hand in front of her face. "Phew, I don't know what to say."

Toga, ever perceptive, placed a gentle kiss on her temple. She still hates showing her feelings. I hope one day Layla will understand she has nothing to be embarrassed about. He thought tenderly and pulled her into a hug. "I'll give you some time alone. I'm meeting with your grandmother in an hour to discuss buying your Pappy's cottage and bar."


"Because of your deal with Liam, you can't leave Ireland until you learn how to use your powers." His lips nuzzled the shell of her ear, and he was gratified when she shivered. "We'll need somewhere to live."

"Yeah, you're right. I didn't think of that." She said distractedly. "Do you want me to go with you?"

"No. I can handle things. Besides, you seem wrapped up in your television program." Toga kissed her cheek. "Is there anything I can get you before I go? Do you want something to eat or drink?"

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