16. Compromise

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Layla was bored. Very bored. Desperately bored. They had been at Toga's castle for over a week and with each passing day her condition improved. Lady Chiyo had given her the greenlight to take a walk around the castle grounds this morning.

Even that prospect sounded exciting after being stuck in bed resting for days with only silent attendants for company.

After the accident in the forge, Layla had seen very little of the demon lord. He only came and checked on her in the mornings and evenings. Toga seemed preoccupied as if something troubled him deeply. She wished he would confide in her. But Toga was a very reserved man. He would not want to burden her with his worries.

It was gallant and noble.

Also, very annoying.

The more he kept his distance the more furious Layla became. She stalked into the corridor; bunched fists concealed by the voluminous sleeves of her kimono.

Enough was enough.

The halls were a confusing maze that all looked the same. Layla flagged down a maid and asked her where Toga was.

"His lordship is in the study. I will escort you if you wish." The maid offered nervously, sensing the temper brewing beneath Layla's calm facade.

"Yes, thank you." Layla said curtly, gesturing for the maid to proceed her down the hall.

The pair garnered several curious looks from passing servants as they navigated the castle. They probably hadn't seen a red-haired human before.

When they reached Toga's study, Layla took a breath to steady herself. Now or never.

Kneeling with her head bowed, the maid slid the door open. Layla shuffled inside, the restrictive weight of her kimono forcing her to take tiny steps. "So, this is where you've been hiding."

The maid closed the door behind her.

Toga lowered his ink brush when she entered wearing a scowl. He instantly knew something was amiss. "Milady, how do you fare this fine morning?"

"Just peachy." She replied shortly.

"If you wish for some fruit, I can summon a servant." Toga offered, misinterpreting her comment.

He never seemed to get modern euphemisms.

Over his white kimono Toga wore a deep red robe embroidered with gold chrysanthemums. Thin braids were woven throughout his stunning hair. Without his armor or gauntlets he looked more approachable. And damn if he weren't gorgeous in his lordly ensemble.

She shook her head slightly when her resolve began to waver. No. I can't let his good looks distract me. I came here for a purpose.

Layla sank down on the cushion across from his desk, struggling a bit with her sleeves. She pushed them up to her elbows with a huff. "I already had breakfast."

Toga regarded her warmly, pleased to be in her company. "How may I be of service?"

Layla pinched the bridge of her nose. "We need to talk about us."

"Oh?" Toga had assumed their courtship was progressing quite well.

"Specifically, about how you've been treating me like a helpless damsel. I appreciate your concern for my safety, but I've been taking care of myself my entire adult life. I expect to be an equal partner in this courtship."

"I do view you as my equal, milady. I hold you in very high-esteem in fact." Toga said carefully, his thick brows bunched in confusion. Had he done something to displease her? He must have for her to march into his study like a soldier on a battlefield.

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