Deleted Scene: Chapter 37: Rain Blessings

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This deleted section was cut because it dragged the pace of the chapter but I wanted to include this as the first of my stories in the LaylaxToga anthology. This scene takes place after the events in chapter 37. Enjoy!

After an hour of glorious lovemaking Layla's phone buzzed on the bedside table. Probably Grams wondering where she wandered to. It was nearing sunset. Pappy's wake seemed likely to carry on for hours yet.

Her phone chirped as her voicemail kicked on.

With every intention of ignoring it, Layla snuggled closer to her husband, draping an arm across his stomach. Her joy at being reunited with Toga was indescribable. Ever since returning to the present Layla had lived in a mental fog, unwilling to accept he was gone. How could she move on without the one who taught her what love truly meant?

Her eyes burned with unshed tears as trauma from the moment they were separated resurfaced. Layla nearly lost Toga forever. Now, he was with her, she would never let him go.

Sensing the confusing morass of joy and sorrow in Layla, Toga lifted his head and gazed down at his wife. "Beloved, what troubles you?" He tugged a strand of her hair gently between his fingers. "Tell me."

Layla nuzzled her cheek against his chest. Toga radiated heat like a furnace. Just the thing to combat the chilly Dublin weather. "I was thinking of how devastated I was when the well dragged me back to my own time. I thought, what if I didn't see you again?" She traced a lazy pattern over his abdominal muscles, fighting a smile when his breath hitched. "I'm grateful to Liam for bringing us back together."

"Your Uncle is an interesting man." Toga's voice rumbled against her ear. "Not entirely trustworthy but I can understand why you reached out to him."

"Forget about him for now. He'll be poking his nose around soon enough." Layla craned her neck to look at him. "I want to know...are you happy about being a father again?"

Toga gazed up at the ceiling, searching his feelings. "Caught up in my duties as Lord of the Western Lands, I failed Sesshomaru. I died the night Inuyasha was born. I never even got to hold my son." He heaved a weary sigh. "My legacy as a father is one of failure. I'd like another chance to change that."

Layla scooted closer to the head of the bed, propping herself up on an elbow. "I'm scared of being a mom."

Toga glanced at her. "You said so earlier. What makes you so afraid?"

She nodded, ashamed. "What if I'm terrible at it, like my own mother? She was never there for me. Grams picked up all the slack. As I learn to use my magic, what if I grow to be more like Kieran?" Biting her lip, Layla looked down. "I don't want to be like him."

Toga lifted her chin. "Look at me, please."

Layla met his eyes and gasped at the pride she saw shining there. Confidence in her flowed through their bond. It was like sinking into a warm bath after escaping a winter rain indoors. The steaming water chased the chill away. "Do you think I can do this?"

"Layla, you will be a wonderful mother. A woman with such kindness in her soul will love her child with every fiber of her being."

It was exactly what she needed to hear. Layla kissed Toga on the cheek. "Thank you." His hands closed around her waist.

With a playful growl, Toga rolled them over. Sinking into the mattress beneath his weight, she giggled at his eagerness and gripped his shoulders. "Doesn't take much to get you in the mood."

Toga cupped the side of her face and grinned. "I'm always in the mood for you, Layla." He leaned down.

Layla gasped reflexively as his lips closed over hers. She arched up sliding her hands over his broad back, urging him closer.

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