19. The Demon Market

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A sea of tents spread out in colorful waves in the field outside the castle grounds. Hundreds of merchants, vendors, and craftsmen had set up shop to take advantage of the approaching council.

Threading her arm through Toga's Layla ambled down the main thoroughfare passing a vendor with heaps of colorful silks stacked on low tables, another who had pottery for sale. The breadth of goods available truly was astonishing. Candlemakers, tanners, woodcarvers, swordsmiths, perfumers.

Servants from the castle were doing some of their own shopping. As Toga and Layla walked by, they bowed deeply to the couple.

Toga accepted the obeisance with a graceful nod, guiding Layla alongside him.

She wore a new kimono in seafoam green, embroidered with a pattern of bees and clusters of orchids. The geta sandals forced her to take tiny lady-like steps. Without Toga to hold on to, she would have fallen flat on her face by now.

It was taking her time to adjust to her new footwear.

When another servant bowed Layla flushed uncomfortably, not used to the five-star treatment. With her hair scraped back into a traditional style, every nuance of expression was visible on her face. She hated the feeling of being exposed. "Why are they bowing to me? I'm just a commoner."

"You are my lady, deserving of respect. They will not slight you." The corner of his mouth curled up, though his gold eyes remained serious. "Not without risking my wrath."

"Well, I don't like feeling like a doll on display for everyone." She replied tersely.

"That is not what I see." He covered her hand with his, exuding sincerity as he looked down at her. "I see a beautiful, intelligent woman who is making the best of a difficult situation. I will not allow others to treat you as less than what you are."

She reminded herself Toga was not a democratic leader. He lived in a time when it was not uncommon to kill someone for speaking out of turn. Toga wouldn't hesitate to kill someone he viewed as a threat.

In that way he was a lot like Sesshomaru.

Toga waited expectantly for her response, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Biting her lip, Layla averted her gaze unsure of what to say to him. She was out of her depth here.

Word of their relationship had spread like wildfire. Nearly every demon they passed scoured Layla with curious looks. Some were judgmental, others indifferent.

When the silence stretched on too long, she fumbled for something to say. "I'm surprised everything is so organized."

Layla slapped herself mentally over the lame remark. Well-organized? Is that really the best I can do? I am clearly off my game here.

All the vendors' tents were in regimental rows with plenty of room for shoppers to walk between them.

Fortunately, Toga took up the thread of conversation. "When I first held the council three thousand years ago, enterprising craftsmen saw an opportunity and hawked their wares outside the castle. It has become something of a tradition." He explained, his spine erect with pride. "Everyone makes a tidy profit and some even come away with patronage from one of my vassals."

"I suppose you receive taxes from the event." Layla said then cringed.

Taxes? Seriously, I'm bringing up taxes when I'm on the feudal version of a date with a handsome man? I'm spiraling here.

"Yes, taxes are collected." Toga led her down another row toward a covered stall. He abruptly changed the subject. "I think you will like this vendor."

Books and scrolls were piled everywhere. Clasping her hands together beneath her chin, Layla sighed dreamily, thoughts of taxes eroding away. "You certainly know the way to my heart, Toga."

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