Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarm went off for the third time now and Louis still couldn't get the energy to open his eyes. His head is booming and he immediately knows that the five hours of sleep weren't enough.

"Louis! Phoebe stole my sweater!" He heard a way to shrill voice from down the stairs. Lottie. Argh. He opened his eyes which immediately fell on the photo frame on his messy bedside cabinet. The picture was old and the paint was scratched off at some places. He spent way too many hours bawling his eyes out while holding this valuable memory in his shaking hands. Teardrops falling on top of it, just to flow down and end on his pants.
He forgot to blink, his mind filled with little moments and voices. "I know you can do it.".
Bullshit. Anyways.

He sat up and needed to take a breath. His head bowed down and resting in his hand.

In... out... in... ou...

He put on a green sweater and left his room.
"Phoebe give Lottie her sweater back! We don't have time for this every single morning."
Louis rolled his eyes, stepped into the kitchen and began to make breakfast and prepared the lunchboxes.
"She's being selfish! Why can't she share it with me? I always give her my tomatoes!" Phoebe defended.
"Cause you don't like them."
"They're so slimy and weird..."
"They're not. I like them!"
"Good for you but YOU don't like avocados, that's just strange!" Lottie stepped into the conversation.
"Ah! A bullet in my heart", Louis held his hand on top of his heart and made a dramatic movement while sliding on the floor. "I tried to help you Lots!"
"Don't be such a drama queen Louis."

She took place at the dining table and ate a carrot stick. Phoebe placed the sweater on the table and made a wide gesture with her arms in Lottie's direction.
"It's a pleasure to be your servant Miss Tomlinson!".
"The drama classes aren't good for her.", Lottie said after dipping another carrot stick in an herbal cream.
Louis smiled at his sisters but rolled his eyes, just to keep his roll as the oldest sibling.

Fizzy came down the creaky stairs just in time to Louis finishing the lunchboxes.
"Where are your school bags?"
"Wait! I'll take it!" Lottie said while rushing up the stairs. Nearly stumbling over Fizzy's feet.
"Mine is here.", Fizzy said, holding her ridiculous violet shining bag up in the air.
"Mine is... broken.", Phoebe hesitated.
"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"
"I know that we don't have much money for those things and I didn't want to stress you about it."
Louis was shocked. I mean yeah... yeah they don't have much money but he never wanted to let his sisters feel like they couldn't come to him when they need such important things.
"I'll buy you one after school okey? Lottie's old one will be sufficient for today."
"Thx." She said and looked up at him with her big brown puppy eyes.
Louis pecked her forehead and lowly started to prepare the school bags.

As soon as everything was ready he hushed the girls' giggles and told them to get dressed.
"Daisy come down, we need to go!" He screamed up the stairs.
Five seconds later he heard footsteps on the floor over him that went over to the stairs where they transformed into an eight years old little girl.
When Daisy was ready too, they stepped out of the house and made their way to the old   blue Van. He bought it a year ago after a friend's mom got a new car and made him a cheaper offer for the van.

"Alright. No screaming. No crying. No boys talk. You know the rules."
"What a pity. I just wanted to talk about this cute little boy in my class. He has a dog!", Lottie said with a sarcastic tune that got squeaky at the end.
"Tell me! Tell me!", Fizzy demanded.
"Stop! No! I'm to old for this! Don't be cruel."
"Louis you're 18!", they all responded and laughed while throwing their head back.


School was never a place he liked but it got so much worst when his best mate changed school. He misses Liam. The little fucking genius got a damn scholarship for the PSOMAA. The Private School Of Music And Arts. Rich kids with rich parents. He hated this bullshit but he loved Liam so he had no choice but smile at Liam when he told him that he got accepted. At least one good thing remains Louis at this school. Zayn. A talented boy with raven hair and an addiction of gummy bears. They grew up together and know everything about each other. Even if their friendship has its up and downs he could never do this shit, called his life, without him. He would never tell Zayn what he just thought but he knows that he knows.
He tried to avoid any form of physical contact, while walking through the crowded corridor on the way to his locker.

"Have you heard of the last Richie Rich party?", someone tackled him from behind and swung their arm around Louis' shoulder.
"No, I haven't. Tell me all about it Zayn.", he snored in a monotonous voice.
"Richie Rich threw this big ass party last Saturday and someone said that Harry Styles jumped into the pool and had an orgy in the water."
They arrived at the locker and Zayn lazily leant against the locker next to LouIs''. A big grin forming on his lips.
"That's bullshit and you know that Zayn. Orgy? Probably. In the water? Definitely not. The arrogant narcissist wouldn't risk it to get wrinkled fingers."
Zayn snorted. "Right, right yeah he would never."
They smiled at each other.


After school and picking up Phoebe's bag Louis drove to the restaurant he's working at.

The moment you would see the restaurant for the first time you would immediately realise that it's posh. Nothing Louis is proud of but they pay really really good. The restaurant is called 'Four'. Everyone in town knows it.

Louis changed his clothes and slowly observed who was working today.
"Lou!", is the last thing he heard before a pair of lips rest on his cheek and leave a red spot of expensive lipstick. Danielle. The sweet caring Danielle that has the ability to make him laugh, wether he has a good or a bad day. Oh and his ex-girlfriend. They dated for two years before Louis couldn't handle the stress with his family, school, jobs and relationship anymore and needed a break.
"Dani, love, how are you?"
"I'm great as always.", she replied with a cheeky smile. "And how is my grumpy cat doing? And the girls?".
"They miss you but we're all fine.".
She slowly approached Louis and pressed him into a bone crashing hug. "Good.".

We started with our shift and after one hour we stood together at the counter and laught while fascinating about the guests life.
"Oh oh this one is good. He's working for the mafia and the girl sitting next to him is his girlfriend. Obviously his life is dangerous and he doesn't want to put her in danger. This date night today is their only date of the year. They met in front of the... ehm... restroom! Yes... right!".
"That's so stupid!", Danielle exclaimed but couldn't control the giggles coming out of her mouth.
Louis loves these moments. Just having fun without thinking about what has to be done and all the money he needs for the broken things in their house.

Suddenly he felt a cold breeze on his cheek and immediately looked to the door.
He felt his smile slowly disappearing into the night. Getting taken away by the wind.
Cause there he is. Dressed in a Gucci blazer with a pink beanie on top.

Harry Styles.

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