Chapter 14

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Do you know how it feels to lose the track of your life?
Everything happens besides you without you really understanding what's happening?

Louis felt like this. The moment he was greeted by an enormously grinning Zayn on Friday.
A few days after his talk with Harry. The same Harry he didn't really talk to since, even if they sat together in the studio for hours.

None of them made a move to start a conversation, so everything went back to before they got closer.

Back to the Zayn incident.

Apparently the last party they had been to was about two weeks ago. Nothing of a problem for Louis, but for Zayn.

„Come onnn! I want to party with my best friend! The very best friend in the whole world! Mister universe! So let's have some fun and get wasted." Zayn was practically begging Louis.

„I've been wasted as fuck two weeks ago I don't need this again. I don't even remember what happened cause you, my „best" friend, don't want to tell me!" Louis exclaimed. „If you tell me I'll think about going to another posh snobby party."

„That's not fair LouLou. I know that you wouldn't want to know what happened, so let's please forget about it?" Zayn used his best puppy eyes.

„I don't like it to be oblivious."

„I know. But I'll make up for it!" Zayn promised.

„Yeah yeah whatever you say." Louis responded. Not annoyed anymore. „As Long As I don't meet the frog." he mumbled under his breath.

„What?" Zayn quirked an eyebrow at him and looked at him with his confused but shining eyes. „Oh Wait, I know. „Nothing"."
„You know me to well Zaynie." Louis slung an arm around Zayn's shoulder and dragged him to their next class.

A smile plastered on his face.
A little bounce in his steps.
And brown curls on his mind.


„Don't tell me! I want to be surprised!" Danielle shrieked.

Louis knew, the moment Zayn asked him, that he would be going to get abandoned at the party when Zayn found some chick and ate her face. So as selfish as it sounded Louis was going to invite Dani to avoid wandering around alone in some big ass rich house.

„We're going to a party tomorrow." he explained.
And Louis knew that Danielle was an enthusiastic person but he didn't expect the following happenings.

First she started to scream in an abnormally high voice, followed by her jumping up and down like a ping pong ball. Amusing but terrifying.
Louis didn't even know why she was so extremely excited and while progressing her weird behaviour he got crashed down on the floor, finding himself lying flat on his back with an 18 years old girl sitting on his legs. Could this day get any stranger?

„Louis! Omg that's so cool! I CANT BELIEVE IT! I-." Louis pressed his right hand on her mouth to shut her up.
„I'd like to remind you that we're still at work Dani, so please shut the fuck up!" he didn't need to get fired because of this party. He definitely needed to concentrate on more important things.

And no. It wasn't about a curly haired boy with green eyes who made Louis doubt in his feelings.

„Don't make me regret inviting you." he said and slowly lifted himself from the ground. Back on his feet he extracted his hand right hand to help Danielle to get up from the ground.
Back on her feet she patted her clothes to get rid of invisible dust.
Back to her normal behaviour she gave Louis a quick peck to his cheek and went back to the register.

Apparently no one was more excited for this party than Danielle, but Louis' jumping heart betrayed him.


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