Chapter 5

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Louis has never been happier about the fact that it's Saturday morning.

He had the biggest headache a person ever had and mentally cruised at himself for drinking so much alcohol.
Louis will never drink alcohol again. Never.

And just to be clear, he obviously didn't mean it like that but ... who cares. Promising to never drink alcohol again is like making good resolutions for the new year. You already know you won't keep it while saying it out loud the first time.

Louis opened his eyes and ... damn could someone turn off the sun? It's way to bright for Louis' sensitive self and his brain didn't stop to turn. Fuckkk.


"You look like my already eaten broccoli casserole. Dis-gust-ing." Lottie said with a sassy sparkle in her eyes. She definitely had this from Louis.
"Thanks a lot, sis." He took a glass of water for his ibuprofen and sat besides her.
He put his head in his hands and signed very very loud.
"Are you okey?" Lottie sounded uninterested.
"Noo." He winced as a response. "I'll never drink alcohol again."
"Sure. Whatever." She rolled her eyes and placed a pancake on Louis' plate.
Louis doesn't understand why everyone thought he's a drama queen.


After breakfast Louis handed the twins over to their best friend, to make sure they wouldn't get on Lottie's and Fizzy's nerves.

Afterwards he drove to a nearby park to meet Zayn. His head was still booming and he didn't know how he could keep his eyes open for so long.
He walked trough the park with small but rushed steps so he wouldn't have to stay out here for too long. Louis missed his bed. His lovely warm bed.

As he caught sight of Zayn he grinned about the fact that he wasn't the only one who looked miserable.
"Mate." Louis tried to keep his voice down because he knew that Zayn was probably very sensitive for loud noises too.
Zayn groaned anyway. His hand on his forehead. "I'll never drink alcohol again."
Louis nearly laughed out loud.
"We really need to talk tho." Zayn didn't sound very pleased. And Louis was very confused.
Why did they had to talk? About what?

"Do you remember what happened yesterday?"
"Ehm... I drunk way to much and danced like a maniac. Is there more?" What did Zayn want to point out?
"Nothing else? You don't remember what happened when you danced last night?" Zayn looked at him with wide eyes and Louis didn't know if he was relieved or frightened.
"No? Did I start a dance battle? Or... did I kiss one of these rich girls?" Now Louis was afraid. He cringed at the thought of making out with one of this dressed up chicks.

"No no none of that! But if you don't remember it doesn't really matter." Zayn closed. He wouldn't tell him what happened, Louis knew that. "The party was nice, wasn't it." Zayn took a drag of his cigarette and stared at the sky.
When did he take out a cigarette? Zayn is a the real mystery in Louis' life.
"Yeah, I'm sure it was, even if I only remember about 10% of the whole night." Louis laughed, but something inside of him wanted to remember. Remember why Zayn wanted to talk to him so eagerly. Remember what happened. But it didn't matter.

"Some funny stories about the Richie Rich?" Louis asked.
Zayn didn't answer for a moment... and hesitated. His breath hitched for a moment. "Luke fell into the pool and Niall had a food contest with some girls." That's all?
"No dirty sex stories of Harry?" Louis was surprised.
"Nop. I guess not." "You guess?" "It wouldn't matter I suppose." Zayn took the last drag of his cigarette and threw it on the concrete. Not meeting Louis' eyes.


"I need to go back to Fizzy and Lottie before they set the house on fire." Louis stood up and was immediately met with Zayn's eyes, as he lifted himself at the same moment.
"See you on Monday, Lou." Zayn placed an soft hand on his shoulder and walked past him.

What was that?


"Finding Nemo!"
"No! Pocahontas!"
"I want to watch Up!"
"No, I always cry at the beginning! How about Frozen?"

"STOP" everyone was talking at the same time and Louis couldn't handle the volume anymore. "How about The little mermaid?"
Everyone agreed. Luckily.

They currently had they weekly Disney night. Which included a Disney film, a menu inspired by the film and their Disney pyjamas.
They started the tradition with their mother and couldn't stop with it after she died.

While Louis and Lottie prepared the food, Fizzy  and the twins started Disney plus and looked for the film. All dressed up in their pyjamas with little Disney characters printed on it.
He loved this. No bad thoughts crossed his mind. Normally Louis only saw black and white but in this moments everything was rainbow coloured. With fucking unicorns and all this pink stuff.

So having his sisters cuddled in his side while eating popcorn and giggling while watching Ariel was his favourite thing ever.


On Monday he had to work at the restaurant again and he was dying from exhaustion. Obviously the Richie Rich were there but luckily they sat at Danielle's table so they weren't Louis' problem.

He just came back from serving table 10 when someone approached him.
"Louis, right?" He turned around and faced a blond guy. Niall. "You were at the party last Friday, right?"
"Yeah..." why was he talking to Louis?
"Cool! So I was thinking if you want to come to the next party too?" A Richie Rich invited him to a party? Is he in a parallel universe? He secretly kicked his left leg under the counter. Ouch.
"Ehm.. I didn't plan on it. I don't really have the time. Sorry." Louis declined.
"Hm. I'll give you my number so just text me if you have time and want to attend a nice party." With that the blue eyed boy turned around and walked back to his friends.

Louis has never been more perplex than now. What the fuck happened Friday?

Short but fine.
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