Chapter 16

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Louis is still at the party, his mind foggy from the alcohol even if his last drink was emptied hours ago. It's 3 am and he's wandering around the backyard like a lost dog. Not really following a mission. Louis's not even sure why he even left the house and decided to take a walk. Not his brightest ideas tho.

Summer was slowly fading into autumn. The air was getting colder. The nights darker. And the trees changed their dresses into beautiful orange and brown gowns.

Biological they're loosing a part of them. The green plant pigment chlorophyll are degraded.
But even though their loose they are able to be beautiful and make the best out of their situation. Pathetic.

So in fact they're broken. They're are broken, fall to the ground and are getting replaced. And we, the people walking over their abandoned selves, enjoy their miserable destiny. Born to give life. Born to be neglected.
THATS pathetic.

That's life.

And while these thoughts flood Louis' mind he isn't even realising that he already reached the pool at the side of the house. Most people are either dancing inside or sleeping on a random surface so the pool isn't as crowded anymore as it has been a few hours ago.

Louis slowly makes his way to a pool chair, flopping on top of it, lying flat on his back and closing his heavy eyelids.
And although he doesn't want to think right now his mind is drifting off.

First of all he thinks about the chores at home. He need to make time to practice with the twins for their school play. Fizzy needs to go to the doctor to get contact lenses and Lottie was working on a presentation he needed to help her with. He needs to cancel football practice this week and make overtime at the restaurant.

Then he thinks about the song he recently wrote the album. It's not bad but he isn't convinced of it either. He was writing it a few nights ago after the talk with Harry at the back of the restaurant. He didn't even know why but the moment he came home his guitar nearly screamed for him. The chords and lyrics streaming out of him.

He would have to talk with Harry about it.
About the being 'convinced' not the reason why he wrote it. Obviously. (*cough*)

"Hey, beautiful." A slurry voice suddenly sounded behind him. Obviously drunk.
Louis rolled his eyes.

"No, thank you."

"Oh come on! A feisty one, aren't you?" The voice appeared in front of him and got a face.
Louis had already seen the face but his drunken couldn't form where from. Stupid drunken brain.

"The feisty one is not in the mood for you, Cal Hockley." Louis responded.

"What did you just call me?" The guy actually looked confused, which nearly made Louis laugh out loud.

"Cal Hockley, the arrogant fiancé of Rose from Titanic." Someone responded from behind. Again. "Haven't you drunken enough, Myers?"
Myers. Myers. Myers... ah! Even Myers he's playing in the PSOMAA's football team. He's good. At least of what Louis has seen from their few annual football matches.

"I just want to have some fun here." Urgh.

"Don't you see that he's not up for your so called "fun"?" Go Harry! "Now fuck off and get some rest!" Quite the boss isn't he?

Reluctantly Evan drew away.Harry and Louis remaining alone. Again. (Is this going to get a habit?)


The silence between them deepened with every second no one dared to say a single word. But after a few seconds, which definitely felt like an eternity, Harry moved his long giraffe legs to the chair beside him. He made a deep sound when he let himself fall upon it but didn't let a single emotion show on his face.
For some reason he was wearing sunglasses. Gucci. Obviously. But no shirt. Just as if it's 30 degree on a sunny summer day in July. He was even wearing shorts. Little yellow ones.

When tf did he have the time to casually cross the whole damn house, change his outfit and then casually appearing here? Wasn't he on the dance floor about ten minutes ago, dancing with so friends from his posh school?
(Not as if he wasn't dancing with at least two hot brunettes who basically threw themselves at him)(nah).

Harry Styles is and will ever be a mystery for him.

But Louis was curious (always) and they were friends, right? So he could just as him why he was behaving this way? On a friendly manner?

"So, my friend, how's the sun treating you?" What the fuck is he saying?! Dumb dumb Louis. Argh. He just embarrassed himself, didn't he? Louis should definitely stop trying to be funny in front of Harry or he's going to drown himself in the pool.

And just as if had seen it coming, Harry turns his head, brows raised questioning. Dumb.

"I- Because-. Urgh. Forget it." Louis rolled his eyes about himself and turned around to look at the pool instead of Harry.

Harry hummed as a response. "I thought we're friends." Louis didn't dare to turn around again. "Friends can tell each other what they're thinking. Without feeling embarrassed. Right?" Why was Harry being so stolid?

"Yes." Louis piped. It wasn't a real response but more like a bird which lost a piece of bread to another bird. (Doesn't make sense but who cares)

"Sooo are you going to tell me what's going on in your head or do I have to fight for it?"
Fight for it?

"What are you on about, Styles? We're not in some old antique movie about Alexander the Great." Now Louis rolled his eyes because of Harry's stupidness.

But instead of just verbally answering him or continuing the conversation Harry started to laugh loud and wholeheartedly. Not as surprising as the next move tho.

Harry stood up, pulled his sunglasses of his eyes threw them in the surrounding grass, grabbed Louis from his chair (in bridal styles), made his way to the pool and threw Louis into the cold water. Harry himself remained dry on the edge of the pool.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Louis screamed as soon as he reached the surface and was able to breath again. "You are so death, Styles. Count you're last seconds on earth."

Harry laughed.

"As if you could ever hurt me, Lewis. You're way to small." Oh wow. That was a death sentence.

"I'm 5'9." Louis groaned while swimming to the edge of the pool.

"In your dreams, darling."
"Don't darling me, love."
"As if love is so much better."
"That's like preferring coffee over tea."
Harry didn't answer.
"You're a coffee boy! That's like a bullet in my heart."

Louis finally reached the edge of the pool and lifted himself with his arms. Slowly raising out of the water. His body and clothes dripping.
He was wringing out his T-shirt trying not trip.

"I will make you my special cup of tea and afterwards you will never want to even look at coffee again." Louis was just about to look up when he felt a warm hand resting against his cold jawline and the next second a pair of lips pressing against his own. Firmly. And warm.

And even if he wasn't drunk anymore because of the water his mind wasn't working properly. Automatically his arms lifted around Harry's neck, fitting perfectly, and his lips started to move against Harry's.

It wasn't like anything he had ever felt before
but at the same time it felt like he had never done anything before.

And before he was able to process what's happening, Harry drew back, only leaving a cold brush of air against Louis' face. The moment he opened his eyes (he didn't even realise closing them) Harry already disappeared in the dark.

Leaving no trace but Louis' still burning lips.

Louis Tomlinson hates Harry Styles.

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Ps: I didn't plan on this to happen but anyways. First kiss!!!!!!

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