Chapter 11

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„I don't know what to think about it. I love this opportunity. I love music. I could get a foot in the door. Des is a legend. It's great."
Louis counted all the good things about his job, leaning against the left counter, focusing on the lightbulbs above the guests' heads.

As a response Danielle snorted.
„And the bad thing is?" she dragged the sentence and raised her brow in a knowing manner.
„Nothing!" Louis nearly screamed, till he realised that they're surrounded by people.
„I mean... everything is great, it's just that I don't know what I'm supposed to thing about Harry. I hate him. I really really do. But at the same time he's making it pretty difficult for me when he's so... so cute! I mean not cute cute! But he has this frog face and yesterday when he looked at me with this sad frog eyes I regretted what I said. That's so not me! And oh my god you should hear him play guitar..."

„Whoa whoa Louis slow down. But wait. Cute? Omg! You fancy him! Lou you fancy the enemy!" with her eyes wide open she squealed around.
„I don't! No! No not at all! He's talented that's it!" No need to tell her Harry took care of him at the fair. „I need to work with him so we will kind of get to know each other. If I like it or not."

„Oh you definitely like that." Danielle winked at him. Louis laughed at that and slapped her agains her left shoulder.
„Hahaha! No."

After they got back to serious Danielle asked the last thing he didn't want to hear right there and then.
„Why do you hate Harry that much? I mean sure he's arrogant and rich but you kinda like Niall so what's the real cause?" Louis knew she was worried about him, she didn't mean to upset him. But she did.

He let his eyes wander above the guests, not really focusing on anything. „Nothing. He breathes. I suppose that's enough."
„It's not! You never talked with each other he's a little bit weird sure and all this rumours about him can be startling but you know that half of them are not true. So?" she couldn't let it be, could she?

„He... he may seem nice but he's not. He's arrogant and behind that devious smirk he has the power to destroy you're dreams. He's ruthless."
„You're being dramatic again." Dani said while rolling her eyes. „Actually... I was talking to him last week..."
„Wait. What? When?" and why didn't she say anything to him?
„That's why I wanted to talk to you in the first place and now calm down Louis. Sooo when you couldn't show up last week because of Pheeb's school project, Harry came up to me.
I didn't know why cause we never talked before but he was really nice and all smiling."

Louis' stomach bubbled with some weird acid forming somewhere in his upper body.

„I really don't know why you don't like him he's so smiling and charming..." her eyes drifted dreamingly to the ceiling.
„Come to the point." Louis interrupted her annoying speech.
„Yeah right, sorry. Well, at first he made small talk and then suddenly he asked about you. He just casually said something like „I thought Louis is working today, where is he? Is he sick?"" Danielle imitated Harry's deep and slow voice. Louis would have laughed, if his best friend and ex-girlfriend didn't gush about his enemy 2 minutes before. But more concerning was the fact that Harry new on which days Louis is working. Weird psycho stalker frog.
Hm. Louis liked that phrase. Weird psycho stalker frog. Now a sunset picture and a nice looking font and he could add the phrase to his Pinterest board.
If he had one. Obviously.

„I don't care." he cared. „Probably wanted to talk about the project." Danielle didn't need to know that they didn't even really start the project when Harry asked her about him.
No need to overthink (not that Louis was ever overthinking in his life).

Harry and Louis had a business relationship, which means that Louis won't throw insults in the room (not on purpose at least) and all their conversations are solely about their album.
Simple and fair. Isn't it?

Louis hated Harry for a reason and he didn't plan on changing anything about his feelings towards him.


„Gimme a kiss! Pleassseee." Louis put his best pouting face on and bashed his eyelashes.
Having four little sisters can be pretty annoying but not on Friday nights.

Friday nights are for family.
No parties. No friends. No phone.
Three really important rules for Louis cause these moments kept him mentally at bay.

„No. You get a kiss if we watch ‚Alice in Wonderland'." Daisy responded with a serious face. Her eyebrows almost touching.
Louis heard a groan behind him.
„We already watched this movie about a million times. Everyone wants to watch ‚Hercules' expect for you." Lottie said.
„Not fair." Daisy pout.
„Very fair." Lottie whispered not letting her have the last word. (Even if this wasn't even a real argument)

„Let's watch ‚Hercules' today and Alice next week when-." Louis got interrupted when Fizzy stormed into the room. Holding his phone.
„It doesn't stop buzzing." she explained.

Louis was annoyed. To put it mildly. Friday was family time so who the fuck interrupted his damn chill pause?!
He reached for the phone, nearly tripping over one of the girls sport bag.

„Yes?!" he barked out.
„Hiiiiii Louieeee." a pretty drunken voice answered him.
„Who-?" he got interrupted again. If this is going to get a thing he is going to start to scream.
„Do you hate my song?" wait was this? „Cause I really want you to like it. You know my dad always talked about how talented you are and how big of a star you could get. And... and I don't want to fuck this up. I don't want to fuck this album up, if I'm really this bad at writing songs as you implied it. And I don't want to fuck this with you up. You seem cool and... and... and you're so so..."
„Harry what the fuck are you saying?! Are you drunk?" obviously he is „and who gave you my number?"
„Liam." a small voice responded. Oh Louis is so going to kill Liam.
„And why are you calling?"
„Cause I wanted to talk to you. I want to understand you. I want to know what I really did. I can't forget our conversation at the fair and I need something to clear my mind from all the questions in my head. And oh my haha I have many questions." He made a pause and Louis thought the connection broke for a moment before Harry started to talk again.
"I'm so happy I'm drunk or I could have never had this conversation with you."

"I don't know what I should tell you. I told you what I wanted you to know at the fair. I'm sorry that I can't erase you're questions." He's lying.
"You're lying. And I get that. I'm not very open myself but this is something between you and I, isn't it?"
"Yeah" Louis' voice broke at the end and he had to cough to speak again. "I don't know you good enough to have this conversation right now."

"Okey. That's okey. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 3pm!" And of he was. Louis knew he could dumbly ask if he's still there, but he already knew he isn't.
He held the phone in front of his face. Looking at it as if it's some alien technology. Many question marks in his head himself.

Saturday, 3pm.

The time Louis' life is officially going to end.

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