Chapter 15

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„Where are we going?" Louis whisper-yelled. They were now walking in a much calmer part of the house, after Harry had led them through multiple corridors and up some stairs.
By the time they reached their current corridor, everything was getting much darker, until he couldn't even see his own hands, fumbling around in the air.

„Just a few seconds." Harry answered calmly, just as if he knew exactly what he was doing. Which gave Louis a weird feeling of safety, deep down, where the butterflies were flying.

Still. Louis didn't like the thought of getting left alone in the dark in some posh old house, which was probably haunted by a ghost.
So he grabbed Harry's hand. He failed twice before actually reaching them.

Harry's hands were soft. Warm. Big ass giant. A little bit rough at the fingertips from playing the guitar for years. Safe. And firmly squeezing Louis' hand back for certainty.

They reached a dark wooden door on their right from the corridor and Harry entered to room with confidence. Not even considering someone could already be in there. Their hands still linked.

„Where a we? Do you even know what you're doing?" Louis didn't raise his voice, trying not to break the quite atmosphere around them.

„It's Niall's guest house so I kinda know where I'm leading you." Harry blinked down at him, hands swinging between their bodies. A mischievous grin spread on Harry's pink lips before he asked Louis in a teasing tune „Do you even have any faith in me?"

And Louis answered just as playful „Should I, Harry Edward Styles?" Harry's grin widened

„Where do you know my middle name from?"

„I own some weird invention called smartphone. It's fucking tiny but it has all the information in the world." Louis held his phone up. The screen light up at the movement and painted Harry in a green blue light from Louis' wallpaper.

They remained silent for a few seconds.

No one dared to bring up why they were even standing her together. In a dark room on the second floor in a rich boy's guest house.

Do people really have fucking guest houses?!Rich people stuff, Louis supposed. Urgh.

"Sooo..." Harry finally broke the awkward silence.


"I don't... I don't like this 'professional relationship' between..."

"Can we turn the lights on? My arm hurts." Louis interrupted Harry.
Harry made a big step in Louis direction. Nearly brushing his upper chest when he reached out to Louis right side. At first Louis thought he would touch his shoulder but in reality suddenly the lights turned on. Right. He had to turn the light on. Right...

"Back to the topic." Harry spoke up in a weirdly serious voice. "I don't want us to be distant. I want us to be friends. I... want to have fun while doing this album without worrying how to behave around you in the studio. I like the way you talk and the way you think. You're not like everyone else I've ever known. You're not trying to get up my arse because I have money and you don't throw yourself into my arms because of all the things they say about me having sex with everyone, which is so annoying by the way..." Harry started to ramble at the end before interrupted himself.

"Slow down froggy. I guess I know what you want to tell me and even if I can't identify with your 'rich boy' problems, I know how you feel. And I didn't like the distance either. But I don't know if I can..."

"I know I know. You have a problem with trusting me or something like that but please let me show you that I'm worth your trust. Worth your friendship." Harry winked down at Louis. "I'm a good friend."

Louis laughed. His whole body was shaking.

"I like your laugh." Harry said, grinning at him with shining eyes. Like thousand little stars exploding in his green orbs.

Louis' brain was literally screaming at him ‚don't fucking fall for this tall, gorgeous, green eyed, funny and talented rich boy! No fucking way!'. But to be honest: who cares.

„Let's be friends." Louis answered. His brain screaming even louder than before. „Or at least try to be."

And Harry had probably never smiled as big as he did right there. He threw his arms in the air while cheering in his loud booming voice.
„We are going to be best of friends!"

„Don't exaggerate it, Styles."


Afterwards everything was surprisingly great.

Louis drank another beer followed by a few shots and a vodka strawberry mix. Yum.

And he felt... well... free and light. His body felt like it weighted a feather. His brain stopped thinking for a few hours. And wow he never thought the frog could dance with his long model legs.
They were both standing in the middle of the dance floor, the actual floor booming beneath their feet, the music drowning them in a thick beat and the alcohol was making everything so much better.

Harry was glowing (like millions of fireworks) and Louis didn't care that he was staring at him cutting jawline, his green shining eyes, his glittery skin, his brown chocolate curls curling on his broad shoulders and his pink full lips matching his flushed cheeks. Nothing has ever felt as easy as staring at the piece of art Harry Styles was.

At in his actual state of mind Louis secretly prayed Harry would drag Louis closer and press himself against his body. Not even a piece of paper fitting between them.

But he didn't.

Cause he respected their boundaries.
Fucking gentleman. (Since when even? Why now? Why with him?)

But at least Harry wasn't snogging a blond haired girl with fake boobs at the pool right now. That's a progress, isn't it?

But could Louis himself even risk to take the first step? Harry could easily reject him.
Louis couldn't even be his type?
I mean how could a person like Harry Styles like someone like Louis Tomlinson.
Harry Styles a rich gorgeous boy who could everyone he wanted.
Louis Tomlinson a boy poor who his occupied by ruling a family, always tired, mentally not even nearly stable and approximately as pretty  as a frog.

His drunken mind is fucking around with his brain. Why was he worrying about being attractive to Harry when firstly he doesn't even has time for a "relationship" and secondly he still wasn't in the position the trust Harry. Not with his favorite guitar and certainly not with his feelings.

But how good would it feel to just fall?

To fall for Harry Styles.

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