Chapter 12

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Louis didn't know what he was expecting from this day. He didn't even know if he was expecting something at all.

Was this a date or just a meet up?
Was Harry actually going to knock on his door in about 10 minutes or was it all a joke?
Was he going to get murdered or is it just normal torturing?

His brain was beaming with unexpected nervousness and a little bit of excitement seeking in with every passing minute.
And even if Louis' day started with the twins nearly burning down the kitchen he wasn't sure if the „date" was a much better uplift for his day.

He didn't even know if he was dressed properly for a „date" with THE Harry Styles. Rich snobby king of society. The rings on his hands cost as much as Louis' whole wardrobe so Louis was reasonable worried about his current state of dressing.
Even if Lottie assured him that his outfit was „just fine". What does „just fine" even mean?!
Was it good? Was it bad?

Suddenly Louis had the desperate need to call Zayn and discuss it with him. But he knew that Zayn wouldn't approve on Louis having some weird kind of relationship building up with their enemy number one.
Louis didn't approve either but he still couldn't suppress the feeling of playing extra good on the guitar to impress Harry or to be less sassy cause he knew Harry could get hurt a little bit too much as intentioned. Or the fact he didn't say ‚no'. He could have said ‚no'. He knew how much he would despise this meeting up but he still didn't stop Harry from thinking they were going on a date.

But Louis wouldn't never admit this out loud.


Harry arrived at exact 3pm.

Louis didn't even register that the door bell rang till his twin sister ran down the stairs. Fighting about who's going to open the door.
Daisy apparently won cause a second later she open the door and show her best smile.

Louis didn't move from his spot at the living room door.

„I'm Daisy!" she shook Harry's hand, „are you one of Louis' friends?" cheeky little-
„Kind of. I'm Harry." he popped his dimples and continued with greeting his other sister. Lottie and Fizzy had made their way down the stairs too.

It was weird to see Harry in his little poor house. Harry Styles standing on his 5$ carpet with his 500$ shoes. Harry who has probably never been in such a house cause he only hangs out with other rich kids. Rich kids with sport cars, diamond watches and other ridiculous stuff.

He didn't like that.

It felt wrong.

Louis slowly made his way up to Harry on a mission to keep Harry as far away from his house and sisters as possible.
„Come on. I don't have the whole day free for you." Louis grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him with him as he walked out the door. „Don't burn the house girls!"
„We would never!" Fizzy screamed after him.
„Sure." Louis mumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes with a soft fond.

„I like your family. They're adorable." A deep voice spoke up behind him and Louis realised that he was still holding Harry's arm.
„You only think so cause you don't know them."

As a response he received a soft chuckle that brought the weird tickling feeling back in his stomach.

He should have eaten something.


Obviously (who would have thought) Harry drove them to the unknown destination in one of his luxury cars. A red one.
Wait isn't it the red car he bought about two weeks ago?!

„Is the car new?"

„Ehm... yeah. It's a part of my..." Harry interrupted himself.
„... a Part of your ridiculous treasure of expensive cars in every colour of the rainbow?"
Louis finished his sentence.

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